Chapter 20

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My mouth instantly is dry. What are they doing here.

"Hello Danielle." My father says sternly.

I can hear Connors heavy tread stomp down the stairs.

"Dani? Who is it?" As soon as he gets into view of the door, he instantly stops, recognising who stands on the porch. From our conversation last night at the frozen yogurt shop, Connor got to learn much about my opinion of my parents.

"What do you hate the most?" Connor asked.

"Pressure." I said simply, but I knew there was more explanation needed.

"Pressure of school, keeping perfect grades, not letting anyone down, not disappointing my parents..."

"Why would you be scared of disappointing your parents?" He asked innocently.

"We live in different worlds Connor. In my family, not being perfect means you have failed. My parents are strong believers that music is not a proper career, and that if I do anything wrong, if Joel does anything wrong, we are not really worthy of their love. I'm sure you remember how we got in trouble for even doing the smallest thing wrong when we were little."

Melissa's footsteps join us in the entrance way, but as soon as she senses the mood, she stops and assesses the situation.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in Berlin."

"Taylor called us. She told us about how Joel asked a family we don't even know to look after you while he is off doing whatever with his girlfriend in New York. He should have been looking after you, not-"

"No mum. You should have been looking after me." I try hard to keep my exposure cold and lifeless, just like my mothers, but my emotions take the better of me, causing my voice to crack, and tears to well in my eyes.

"It's not Joel's job it look after his sister. It's you-"

"DANIELLE MARIE NORM. THAT IS NO WAY TO SPEAK TO YOUR MOTHER!" My Dad steps closer to the door, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Now go and get your stuff. We are leaving." Dad's words were final. I know my dad, there was no way anything could change his mind.

Before tears start to stream down my face, I turn around and run up the stairs, to where the guest room is.

I can hear Connors frantic steps after me, and Melissa words with my parents.


"And now dare you come into my house, and speak so violently to a guest. In my house. Danielle has just had SURGERY on her hand, and yet you didn't even call her to wish her luck or to see how she was recovering?" I tune out Melissa's threats to my parents, and focus on getting to my room and packing up my stuff. Connor grabs my arm, just as I pick up my duffel from the floor and start cramming stuff into it.

I shake him off.

"Dani..." this time his grip turns me around, showing my tear stricken face.

"I-I-I..." I stumble over the letter, unable to vocalise all the thoughts rushing through my head.

Connor doesn't say anything, he just pulls me into a warm embrace, cradling my head in his shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry they came. I'm sorry I dragged you into this. I'm sorry-" Connor lifts his head, letting mine go slightly, so we were looking straight at each other. Before I can say my next words, he leans in and presses his lips against mine.

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