16-The New Kids

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It’s been an entire week since I’ve walked out of my room other than food. I haven’t been able to live with myself ever since Ash said that he wanted to take things slower. He just hates me and I know it! He just didn’t want to admit it! He hates me! Everyone hates me! 

I’ve been a bit of a mental breakdown for the last week. I won’t even talk to Dylan. 

I heard someone pounding on my door. That reminded my of when Ash pounded on the door calling my name. I got teary eyed.

“Andy! Get your fucking ass up and open this fucking door!” Dylan yelled.

“No!” I yelled back.

“That’s it! I’m unlocking this door, Andy!” He angrily yelled. He unlocked my door and barged in.

“What the hell is up with you, Andy? I’ve been so worried about you!” I started to cry.

“I’m sorry, Dylan.” He came over and hugged me and then cradled me in his arms.

“Oh, Andy. It’s-It’s okay. I just wasn’t sure if you were hurt or something, but I think you are.” I nodded.

“Yeah.” I sobbed. “I just miss Ash so much! He means to much to me!” I told him.

“Oh, I know he does, but you need to get some control over yourself so that you can get back to normal. You’re gonna have to get over your heartbreak, Andy.”

“But I don’t want to, Dylan. He was my everything and I let him slip between my fingers.” He sighed.

“Andy. Will you at least try to go to school tomorrow?” I shook my head.

“I’m not leaving this house.” I was stubborn.

“Come on, Andy! The teachers are worried about you! I won’t leave your side tomorrow. Plus I heard that some new kids were coming tomorrow. Maybe you’ll fall in love again.” He said cheerfully. How could he? Thinking that I could just forget about Ashley so quickly. He was crazy!

“You don’t understand, Dylan. I can’t just ‘fall in love again’. No one will ever be like Ash.” He rolled his eyes.

“I know, but you need to move on. I’m pretty sure that Ash isn’t have a break down right now about you. So why should you do that over him?” I nodded.

“Yeah. I guess you’re right. If he doesn’t care about me why should I care about him?” Dylan nodded.

“Yeah! That’s the spirit, Andy!” He encouraged. “Just think that way whenever he crosses your mind.” Oh! You mean all the time? 

“I....I guess. Yeah! I’ll try that! I’ll go to school tomorrow with you! Thanks for talking with me, Dylan. You really help.” He gave me a hug.

“You’re welcome, buddy. That’s what I’m here.” Truth was, I wasn’t better at all, but I guess it must’ve helped some because now I’m at the point that I can hide my heartache.


I woke up, extremely tired, like every morning. I was going to go to school today. I looked at myself in the mirror while straightening my hair. I’m so pathetic, I thought because I am. Here I was, crying over a guy that was better off without me. Someone who had everything, someone who thought that his grades were more important than the guy who was in love with him. Who would’ve thought that he would be the one breaking hearts. You think that he would’ve learned from his own experience. That douche bag. I hate him.

I walked down the stairs to be greeted by Mom, who was just about to leave for work.

“Hello honey. Are you going to go to school today?” She asked sweetly. I nodded.

“Yeah. Dylan’s gonna be with me all day. It’s gonna be great!” I tried to act optimistic so that she didn’t see that anything was up. Oh, there was no doubt that she’s been hearing me cry in my room all week. So why even try? Mom came over and kissed me on the forehead. 

“Bye, sweetie! Have a good day at school.” she said and left. I got my backpack and waited for Dylan to come over. He was taking forever, or it felt like that.

I saw him walk over and before he could even walk up to the door I was outside, ready to  go.

“Let’s go!” I cheered. I was just ready to get this damn day over with. We started walking.

“I think you’re going to be fine today, Andy. It will be nice to be distracted at school and all.” I nodded and kept my head down.

“Yeah. I guess.”

“Did I really help yesterday?” I shook my head.

“No. Not really. But, hey! It’s not like anyone can really fix my broken heart that easily. I guess I’m just gonna have to get over him....” He patter my back.

“I guess so. But you’ll make it through. All you can do it move on.” I sighed.


We got to school and everyone was ignoring us, which I was very thankful for. I guess they were ignoring us because they were too busy talking about the new kids that were coming today.

“I heard that they were all guys. There’s three of ‘em.” Dylan whispered and gave me a nudge. Was he thinking that I was going to make a move on them or something?

“Um. I’m not going to put any moves on them or anything, Dylan. They’re probably a whole bunch of ugly nerds anyways. They’re probably gonna hate us.”

“Oh! Stop being so negative!” He said. I rolled my eyes. Yeah. Because I feel so positive anyways.


We both sat next to each other in English class, but we were rudely interrupted by a knock on the door. The teacher go up and opened the door. She smiled.

“Oh why, hello! You must be the new students!” She cheerfully said. That’s when we tuned in.

“I think these are the new guys, Dylan.” I nervously whispered from beside him. He nodded.

“Me too.” Three guys walked in. The girls screamed and the guys booed. They looked like us. With the black clothes, the skinnies, and the black hair. I turned to Dylan and we both smiled.

“Oh my god, Dylan. We’re gonna become an actual group of friends now.” This is the first time I was glad to come to school. 

All three of them awkwardly stood at the front of the classroom as everyone else gave them unsettling looks.

“Why don’t you introduce yourselves?” the teacher suggested.

“Hi. I’m CC.”

“I’m Jinxx.”

“And I’m Jake.” They all waved and Dylan and I subconsciously waved back.

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