2-The Words Can Burn

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Dylan walked up to me at my locker.

“Hey, Andy.” He patted me back. “What were you doing last night? I called you, like, twenty times last night and you never picked up. Oh no! I guess I must’ve turned my phone off during my date last night. It’s not like I would’ve picked up the phone anyways.

“Oh. Sorry. I was really busy with homework and stuff and I was watching a movie with my parents last night. Then I went to bed early.” I made me twitch lying to him so badly and then watching him smile. He was trusting me when I wasn’t even being honest to him. I’m such a jerk.

I just smiled back trying to hold back the guilt.

“So are we gonna get to class or are you just gonna stay at your locker all day?” he joked. I rolledmy eyes. Him and his pathetic humour. The bell rang and everyone quickly emptied out of the halls.

“So did you get your English homework done?” he asked as we walked to class. I sighed.

“I don’t know. Do I ever get my homework done?” he laughed.

“That’s right. Too bad because I was gonna copy off of you today. Should’ve known better than that.” I nodded not really paying attention him. All I could think about was all of the lies I’ve told him in the past few months and the guilt was making me feel sick.

“Are you okay?” he asked. I snapped back into reality.

“Yeah. Yeah. I was just thinking about, uh, the awful grades that I’m gonna get at the end of the year.” We both laughed because we knew that we both were barely going to pass this year.

We sat next to each other in class. The teacher was talking about nouns again. Everyone in this class was so stupid. Practically everything we’ve learned from grades one to three is what we’re learning now, in sophomore year. I knew everything I just never bothered to do any of the work to prove that I knew more than 99% of the kids in this class.

I felt a paper ball hit my head. I looked over to see Dylan there with his hand over his mouth trying to hold in his laughs. I smiled at him and threw it back. Thank god we were sitting next to each other and in the back row or we would’ve gotten yelled at. Not like it would really matter to us anyways. She’s yelled at us countless times and we haven’t stopped what we’ve been doing yet.

“Andy.” he whispered between giggles.

“What?” I whispered back.

“This class sucks.” he whispered again. We couldn’t hold in our laughter any longer. We burst out laughing in the middle of class of one of the most stupid things ever. It was just because no one wanted us laughing that made it funny.

“Excuse me, boys!” Mrs. James yelled from the front of the room. We calmed down a little bit.

“Wh-what?” Dylan asked, trying to calm himself enough to speak.

“What is so funny back there?” Everyone was definitely staring at us now.

“N-nothing, Mrs. James. It was nothing.”

“Maybe you could explain that ‘nothing’ to the principal.” Oh. She was mad now!

“Oh, come on! Again?” I asked. She nodded.

“Maybe you two should learn to shut your mouths for once and I won’t have to do this every class.” She wrote us a note and we walked up to the front of the class, which was silent. I grabbed the piece of paper and I walked to the door. Dylan, on the other hand, didn’t want to leave without making a show. He was blowing kisses to everyone and used his most girly voice saying

“Oh! Farewell everyone! I love you and will miss you all! Until we meet again.” We walked out feeling great. When we closed the door to the classroom we couldn’t stop laughing at how hilarious we were.

“We are so amazing!” I said as we walked to the principals office.

“I know, dude! The teacher needs to get a sense of humour!” He put his arm around my shoulder.

“I’m so glad that you’re my best friend, Andy.”

“Me too.”

We got down to the office. The secretary, Karen, glared at us.

“Back again I see.” she commented. We smiled.

“We came back to see you again, Karen.” Dylan remarked. She rolled her eyes.

“It’s Mrs. Jones to you.” We sat down in the new green leather seats with the wooden arms in the waiting area.

“Oh. These must’ve been so expensive with these chairs being real leather and all.” I whispered to Dylan between giggles.

“Like you two would believe that. The principal’s ready to see ready to see you two.” We quickly got up and walked into his office.

“Hello, Bill.” we simultaneously said.

“Hello boys. Sit.” he said happily. He sees us way too often. Anyone who works in the office sees us way too often.

“So what happened thistime?” he asked leaning back in his chair. I moved my hair out of my face and handed him the note. He read it and nodded.

“Okay.” he leaned foward and folded his hands together on the desk.

“How were you two disturbing class this time?” I shrugged.

“We were laughing while the teacher was talking.” I told him. he nodded.

“Do you see how that’s disturbing how everyone’s learning?” Dylan and I looked at each other and nodded.

“Okay boys. You can go now. And please don’t end up back here today.” We smiled and nodded.

“Yes sir.” Dylan said with a salute which made the principal laugh and so we walked out with our heads held high.

“Bye Karen.” I said.

“Mrs. Jones.” she mumbled.

“You know that we never call you that anymore.”

“I’ll still try.” we laughed and walked out of the office. I was fine until I overheard some girls talking in the hall.

“Oh my gosh! That guy, Ashley Purdy, is so hot!” She told her friend.

“I know. I wish that I went to his school. He’s, like, Mr. Popular! I bet all of the girls are all over him. Especially since he’s a senior!”

My happiness quickly turned to rage. I clenched my fist. They’re talking about my Ashley. The girls better not be all over him because he’s mine. It doesn’t matter anyways because he doesn’t even like girls.

That thought gave me great satisfaction. I knew that I wouldn’t even have to worry. Dylan snapped his fingers in my face.

“Hello? Andy? Is anyonehome?” he asked. I shook my head



“Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve been spacing out a lot more lately.” I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Yeah. I'm sure that I'm fine. Let's get back to class."

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