4: Let Me Expl-zzzz

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I remember the phone call like it was yesterday. It was about an hour ago? Oh. Sorry, I never know what day it is. I sleep through most of them.

I had gotten up early. Which might sound weird, but I usually do. Probably because I go to sleep early. Still, 12 hours of rest wasn't enough, so I found myself wandering the halls, tired. Grabbed some food-don't know what. I think a Twinkie. Mmm, Twinkies. So good. But they make me really sleepy. Like most foods.

So anyway, I was stumbling around everywhere, probably waking up the others. And they call me lazy! If I did though, I'd have to stay out the way of Cain, or he might get really angry. As if he ever wasn't. Soon, I found a nice spot by a table, and decided to have a little nap. Oh, it was really cozy... so... comfortable...


Zzzzzz- oh yeah, the phone! Sorry. I got a bit tired.

Right, so I'm sleeping by this table, and the phone goes off. On the table right next to me, waking me up. Urgh. Why doesn't this damn thing have a silenced mode? No-one's coming to answer, so I have to drag myself up off the floor to grab it, pulling it down to where I'm lying.

"Urgh... hello?"

"Desidia! What a pleasant surprise to hear your voice."

Oh shit. Lu. Er, quick, be awake.

"Oh, yeah... hey."

(I think He bought it.)

"I didn't buy that."


"Sleeping on the job, as per usual. To be honest with you, I'm shocked you're the one who picked up."

"Well, nobody else had heard it," I reply indignantly (is that what that word means?). "I've still got my free will, you can't make me incapable of minor tasks."

He chuckles. Wow, that's scary. Sent a shiver up my spine. "Well, I wouldn't say that's quite true. But now is not the time to go into that."

By now, people have woken up. Likely while I was sleeping. Abigail's wandering down the hall past me, muttering under her breath. Bitch, don't think I don't know what you're saying. Eve's with somebody new. Somebody hot new. Wait, no... well, that's hotter, but it might mean she won't care too much about me. Issac races past to the kitchen. What, your 35 bags of Reese's Pieces not good enough for you? No sign of anyone else. I've got no help. Wait, shit. He's still talking-

"You're not listening, are you?"

"A-well, no."

He sighs. That's not good.

"Just tell me, was it important bullshit or scary bullshit?" I ask.

You can almost hear him rolling his eyes. "At that point, the latter. Nevertheless, I come bearing news."

Oh no.

"I'm coming to visit you. Check up on your... progress. You have three days to prepare for my arrival, which includes today. Not that you'll need to hide anything, I expect ."
"... Sure."
"I do hope everybody is doing alright. How's Superbia?"

I'm onto the bastard. He's testing me. Now, which one of us is that? Super, super-good. Best. Abigail!
"Yeah, Abigail's fine," I respond. Was I right?
"And Ira?"
Yes, I was. Screw you! Hold on, Ira. Sounds like... Ira-tating. Irritating. Not Abigail. Erm. Issac? No, Ben!
"Ben's good."
"Wrong." Ah, fu-

"What about Invidia?"

His voice is different. Quieter. Now I know this one. "Gabriel's doing ok. Well, same as usual." A long pause. I almost drift off again. "Good to know." He's almost upset. Didn't think he could be.

"I'll want to speak with you all, of course. Especially him. I insist."
Now, I'm mostly aware of what happened between Him and Gabriel. Not my place to tell it. Cut a long story short, it's going to be very bad when Lu shows up.

"Yeah, but you've got to think of Gabriel, man," I mutter. Wow, this conversation is wearing me out. "I mean, after what-" Suddenly, I notice somebody standing above me. The man himself. Shit, what did he hear? Quickly, I make a silent expression, telling him to leave. Luckily, he does so, awkwardly shuffling away.

I return to the phone. "He was right there. Don't know what he heard." Another sigh, this time sadder.
"No matter. Inform the others." Then a click. The line goes dead. Even worse, I've now got to put the phone back up on the table.

I drag myself to the TV room, draping myself on a stool. I call in the rest of the apartment. One by one, they head in, though I can hear the shower running: somebody won't be here. Soon enough, the room is full. Last comes Eve with a half-eaten piece of toast. So that's Gabriel missing. Which makes it easier/worse.

I tell them the news. Fear, anger, disappointment. Cain looks like he's about to punch more than one person, so I lean away from him as much as I can. Suddenly, Gabriel walks in, the blank look on his face fading as he sees us. I explain, then go back to my stool. None of my business anymore. Everyone's arguing, Gabriel's left the room. I can hear him sprinting down the hallway.

After a while, everyone leaves. Time for them to remember all the bullshit traditions He made us do. Apart from that, we have no idea what we should be doing. He just put us here, with our new personalities in this new city and told us to live. Guess we'll find out. I lie here for a while, going over the Latin in my head. As long as I can say them it's ok; I doubt He'll bring a spelling test.

I drag myself out into the hall... only to run into Cain (I'm not calling him Ira until He arrives). Bend me over and-

"There you are, lounging around. Lazy prick. Never doing anything useful."

That bastard. Can't shut his damn mouth. "Oh, I cannot be assed with this crap," I mumble, with force.  "Now why don't you piss off and just leave me alone." He doesn't. Him whining about how I never get off my ass, me giving him a few ideas about how to improve his sex life. This goes on for a while, until he swings at a vase in frustration, shattering it, spilling broken shards and- polos? Immediately, we're joined by Eve and Isaac, who is holding a can of Pringles plus looks very annoyed at the mints rolling across the floor. Oh, I know how this is going to go. Soon enough, Cain leaves, looking uncomfortable. Deserves it, the asshole. Attractive asshole... Ah, Eve, get out my head! It's pretty cool that we have these tricks, but that doesn't mean I like finding that dickwad good-looking. At least it soon goes away. The hall clears, apart from me. I would take a nap, if Gabriel didn't have his music so loud- speak too soon. It's stopped. Next to me, Eve rushes from the TV room to him. He needs the attention. Though he's getting nothing from me unless he comes over here...zzzzzzz...

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