Chapter 5

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*Ariel's point of view*

When I walked into Belinda and Rachel's room they were still sound asleep, as usual. Luckily Harry was helping me out, so he would get the boys up.

"Rachel honey, it's time to get up for school." I lightly shook her shoulder and she let out a groan, she would be up any minute.

I peeked up above Rachel's bed to get to Belinda who was on the top bunk. I guess she heard me come in because her eyes were open.

"Sissy, why do we have to
Go to school? I just laughed at Belinda's question. I used to ask my mom the same thing.

"Because sweetie, you have to learn new stuff so that you can grow up and be smart." I didn't want to tell her how when you grow up you eventually have to get a job.

I went over to the girls' closet and picked out their outfits for the day. They weren't exactly at the age where they could pick out their own cloths yet.

For Belinda I picked out her favorite shirt. It said, "Daddy's little girl" on it. Her favorite shirt used to be the one that said, "Mommy's little girl", but we had to get rid of that shirt, it brought back too many memories.

Going along with Belinda's shirt was a pair of jeans and a pair of blue shoes. Let's just say Belinda isn't a girly girl. She likes to wear blue, it's her favorite color. She refuses to wear a skirt or dress unless it's for a special occasion.

Everyone says Belinda would be my twin if we were the same age. She acts just like me and looks like me. We both have big brown eyes and long brown curly hair.

"Come on Belinda get up, you have to get dressed and I have to do your hair".
She groaned and got dressed in the cloths I picked our for her. I didn't have much time so I just threw her hair up into a high pony.

"Arial hurry up please". I could tell the Belinda was getting impatient. She has never been one that could hold still for very long.

I was finally finished with her hair so as soon as I said, "All done Bel," she was out the door of the bathroom and in the kitchen.

Now I just had to get Rachel ready, some days it was easy some days not so much. She was a girly girl so I picked out a yellow sundress and cute little sandals.

I sent Rachel down stairs and I went in my room to get ready. I got a quick shower and then I picked our an outfit.

I picked out a pair of dark skinny jeans and blue sweatshirt, with a pair of white converse. I didn't really care what I looked like, the only person who I would want to impress is Harry and he's seen me at my worse so, oh well.

I walked down stairs and Harry was already down there with the twins. He had them in some what matching outfits. Somehow they kind of matched Harry too. All three had a sweatshirt on, they were all the same, just different colors.

Harry had a burgundy sweatshirt on, James was wearing a navy blue one, and Lewis had a green sweatshirt on. They were all dressed in a pair of jeans and converse.

Harry bought the boys converse that matched his own, for their birthday.

"Hey Angel, are you done checking me out yet?" Harry chuckled. He always thought I was checking him out, but to be honest I always was. He was just so attractive.

"For your information Harrold I was looking at the boys' outfit to make sure they aren't dressed in something stupid. I just so happened to realize you dressed them to match you. Nice outfit choice by the way, you guys look cute".

I wasn't lying they all really did look cute. Harry looked like he was the one related to them, not me.

"I don't know if I should be offended or if I should take that as a compliment, but I'm gonna take that as a compliment. Thanks princess.".

"I hope Ruby is awake by now, she'll be late for school". It had just dawned on me that I hadn't waken her up yet, but maybe she woke up on her own today.

"Don't worry bout it I already got her up, she should be down in a bit. She should feel grateful that her big brother got her up so she can get ready and look "presentable" as she would say". Max was very sarcastic when he said this. I couldn't help but laugh. Max is just a very sarcastic person, you learn to love it.

Just as he had finished saying that about Ruby, she walked downstairs. It amazed me how she could put effort into her outfit everyday. She practically had guys drooling at her feet, same with Max. Every where you look you would see girls giggling and smiling at him.

I guess you could say that the members of my family were blessed with looking attractive.

I looked at the time and saw it was time to go. It was only 7:30 and we had to be at school by 8 but we have so many kids to get to school we had to leave early.

"Hey Ariel is it okay if I hitch a ride with Derek, he said it was okay". Derek was one of Max's friends.

"Yea Max I guess you can". I didn't really care as long as he got to school.

"Ariel can I go too, I'm sure they wouldn't mind please". Ruby wanted to hitch a ride with Derek too, great. note the sarcasm.

"Please Ariel, I can call right now". At this point she was pleading, and I was irritated so I didn't care.

"Yea whatever Ruby, I guess that's fine if his mom is okay with driving all you guys" Ruby was happy but Max wasn't. Derek was one of Max's friends that Ruby had a huge crush on.

Ruby was already calling Derek "Hey Derek, do you mind if I hitch a ride with you guys to school. Yea, okay thanks, bye"

So I guess Harry and I just had four kids to get rid of. "Okay Ruby, Max Derek and his mom are waiting for you, go". The ran our the door, and now we had to get the rest of the kids in Harry's car.

The twins were still in car seats so I had to buckle them in quickly. Luckily the girls weren't so they just hopped in the car. Harry got in the drivers seat and began to drive the twins to day care.

After the twins were at daycare we dropped the girls off at school and then we were on our way. We were still on time for school, it was 7:50.

Harry turned the car off and he let out a long sigh. "I can't believe we just got all those kids ready and got them to school, it insane".

"I have to agree with you, it's much easier when Rocky is helping, but she was off today". Rocky is the lady who usually gets the kids ready. She's a friend of dad's. After what happened with mom he hired her to help around the house and take care of the kids. I'm so thankful for her she really helps me out. I think that her and my dad would look cute together.

Mom died a little over two years ago. But sometimes it feels like it's only been a few months. I really want my dad to be happy, and I can really see him with Rocky. She's perfect for him in my opinion.

"Arial I don't want to go to school, it sucks, and half the people here are dumb".

"Haz I don't want to go either but guess what. This is our last year, lets make the best of it. Okay".

"Fine I guess your right. The only reason I got to school is for sports, my friends, and you".

"Well Harry, you should go to school because you want to get an education, and achieve things in life". I could barely say that with a straight face. I looked at Harry's face and saw he was having the same problem. We finally busted out laughing, we just couldn't contain ourselves any longer.

Harry climbed out of the Range Rover and he jogged around to open my door. As he was helping me out I saw Jordan staring at us from a distance. What an interesting day this should be.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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