Chapter 4

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*Arial's point of view*

Tonight at dinner Harry seemed a bit off, like something was bothering him. I can tell when Harry is thinking about something. His eyebrows furrow together in concentration, and he zones out and doesn't pay attention.

I put my hand on Harry's knee and squeezed. He looked over at me and smiles, "Yes Angel?"

I chuckled and said," Is something bothering you? You seem kind of distracted"

"Babe I'm fine I promise, I'm just thinking. There's no need to worry Arial"

I wasn't sure about his answer but I trusted him. "Okaaay. I will let you off the hook on this one occasion Haz. But do you promise that there's nothing bothering you?"

Harry had a side ways smirk on his face, the look on his face right now is when I know he's in a playful mood.

"Arial I pinky promise that I'm fine and there Is nothing that you need to worry about" Harry held his pinky out to waiting for me to grab it with mine. I grabbed his pinky with my own.

Dinner was coming to an end and pretty soon I would have to help my dad put all my little brothers and sisters to bed.

"Arial sweetie, would you and Harry mind putting the kids to bed for me, Ive had a hard day at work and I'm exhausted"

"Yea dad I guess we can." I'm worried about my dad. Ever since mom.... he's been working a lot more and he seems exhausted all the time. He never gets time to himself anymore, and he's always worried about everyone in the family other than himself.

I think I might need to start helping out more. Maybe get a job, or something like that. I think in going to call my brother. I don't really want to bother Aden while he's off at uni, but im really worried about dad.

I heard buzzing, I looked over and saw it was coming from Harry's pocket. He took his phone out and looked at who was calling him.

He looked at me and said," Its my mom, I'm gonna answer it out in the hallway, I'll be back".

I wanted to know what their conversation was about but I didn't want to ease drop. So I just went upstairs and started to put my little siblings to bed.

I started with Lewis and James, they are twins and they share a room together. Since they were only four I had to help give them baths. After their baths I helped them get dressed in pajamas.

When I was helping Lewis brush his teeth Harry walked into the bathroom. "Angel, do you need any help?"

"Yea Haz can you get James in here and help him brush his teeth?"

"Yea Angel no problem" I smiled at what he had called me. He calls me so many pet names. I love it. He says that just saying baba all the time isn't enough, so he switches it up.

Harry walked back inside the bathroom only this time he had James swung in his hip. Harry sat James on the sink, and grabbed the blue toothbrush labeled "James".

After we were finished helping the twins brush their teeth we took them to their room and tucked them into bed. Harry and I took turns telling the boys goodnight and kissing their foreheads.

Now that James and Lewis were in bed we only had to put Belinda and Rachel to bed. Belinda is 9 and Rachel is 7. since the girls are a bit older than the twins Harry and I only have to tuck them into bed and tell them goodnight.

The only ones left were Max and Ruby. It was harder to get them to bed because they are older than the others. Max is 15 and Ruby is 14. With them being close in age they get in a lot of fights over, well everything. Ruby flirts with his friends, and Max flirts with Ruby's friends. It wouldn't be so bad if their friends didn't flirt back though.

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