Chapter 2

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*Harry's point of view*

I looked up from my desk and there was Arial, she was looking as beautiful as ever. The thing about Arial is she's so beautiful, and she doesn't even know it. Arial took a seat next to me and I put my hand on her knee, she smiled.

Our teacher walked in and told us to get out paper so that we can take notes. Arial and I groaned loudly, we absolutely hate taking notes. I looked up at the board and I started taking notes on some crap that happened in history, I don't really care. I soon got destructed by Arial, she wasn't doing anything she was just concentrating on taking her notes, she just looks so adorable.

Soon enough the bell rang to go to our next class and I groaned. I have anatomy next, I can't stand that class. Not only do I not have that class with Arial, but I absolutely hate anatomy

Arial and I were walking out of class together. I turned to her and said, "So do you want me to wait for you to get out of volleyball after my soccer practice?"

She replied to me, " Yea babe if you wouldn't mind."

I turned to her and said," You know I don't mind waiting for you"

Arial smiled at me and said, "You know I love you right"

I smiled back at her, "Well if I didn't before then I do now"

Arial tried to give me a quick kiss goodbye, but I was having a hard time letting her leave. I grabbed her waist with my hands and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Well Harry it looks like you're having a hard to saying goodbye today, is there something that I can help you with?"

"Yea", I pouted my lips,"I'm hurt and I need you to make it better", I was trying to do the puppy dog face, and it looked like it was working.

Arial chuckled lightly, "Well I'm not sure if I can, but what hurts?", Instead of answering I just pointed to my lips.

"Well Harry I might be able to help, it might take a while though" She was giving me this look that always drives me insane and she knows it. She was also biting her lip. I finally decided to go for it and kiss her already.

Arial pulled away and said, "Are you better yet Harry? I don't want my baby to be hurt."

"No. I think we need to try again, it still hurts." Arial rolled her eyes but she started kissing me again so I guess she didn't really have a problem.

We were startled when we heard someone clear their throat. We looked over and it was our history teacher, Mr. Odell.

He looked us both in the eyes," Mr. Styles, Miss Rose. I trust that we're having a good day today." The only thing we did was nod our heads. He looked at us knowingly, as if he understood, because he was once a teenager.

As he started to walk away he said, "Have a nice day you two", and that's why he is a cool teacher. He lets stuff go all the time. To many guys, he's like a wing man. He tries to set people up in his class all the time.

In mine and Arial's freshmen year he didn't know that we were already together and he was always trying stuff to set us up. I think he finally got it though, after half way through the year. It was quite funny actually.

Arial and I turned to go our separate ways. I turned to take one last glance at Arial, but what I saw I was not pleased with. Her guy friend Jordan was talking to her. Gosh I can't stand him, he's such a douche Arial just doesn't see it. I swear he tries stuff with her all the time. He can't stop flirting with my girlfriend for 2 seconds. The only reason I don't say anything is because I know Arial would be upset with me.

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