2. Fly Back To Me

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It's been a week since Neels left.

This is the first time that me and Neels are apart from each other for the past three years of our unofficial relationship but this isn't the first time that Neels and I got separated. 

Neels and I have known each other for almost ten years. We've been best of friends since his family moved in our neighborhood. I spent most of my childhood years with Neels we went to the same school and became closer because of our classroom seats that is alphabetically arrange (Violet-Visser) until summer of 6th grade when his family decided to move to Phoenix.

He left without saying goodbye

It was also the summer of sophomore year when Neels went back to Ohio. It started with a simple awkward 'hello', and it feels like I was meeting him for the first time during that time. Who would've thought that with him leaving without saying a word would start a new beginning that lead us to where we are right now.

Neels and I had been through a lot and being in a long distance unofficial relationship for a month is nothing compared to what we've been through for the past years of knowing each other.

With everything that we've been through, we always find a way to each other.

I typed in:


and press the 'tweet button'

I was in the middle of scrolling through twitter when Tessa barged in my room.

"ALISSA!" she called me 

my heart jumped a little

I knew that she wants to spill something big so I just gave her a questioned look

"Look!" she showed me her phone

I sighed in relief and makes me want to do the face palm gesture

"My first vlog is up!!" she cheered

"OMG YAS GURL!" I said in my most sassiest voice

Tessa and I jumped in my bed cheering loud and annoying as usual. My ADD is on! Loud is being happy and happiness is being free.

Tessa is my 'sista' for a reason, she knows how to cheer me up. Change my bad and sad mood to a good mood, even better.  

Jumping carelessly in bed is all fun and wild until you realize the mess you made afterwards.

"that was lit!" Tessa cheered

"but we should get ready for the team10 dinner later" she added

"I think i'll pass" I refused

"why? the whole squad will be-" she paused "Oh yeah, Neels isn't here" she finished when she realize what the 'whole squad' meant

I just nod my head and gave her a small smile

"Don't worry i'll be fine. I'll spend the whole night watching some youtube videos including your first ever vlog" I said and wink at her

"And?" she stated as if she wasn't satisfied and wanted more of my answer

I sighed

"and I am waiting for Neels call" I said and rolled my eyes at her

"I knew it!"

"You always do. So now go and have fun with the squad" I said trying to kick her out of my bedroom

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