"Oh.My.God. Did they met an accident? Oh. My. God. They did right? Tell me Ethan, tell me." I went hysterical and shouted loudly in the car. Grabbing my shirt and biting my fingernails. I could felt a panic attacking surfacing. I need air. I felt suffocating and anytime I could have a panic attack. Ethan grabbed my face and turned it towards him. His touch made me realize that he had came too close to me and I have to resist the urged to Kiss. Him. I calm my own mind and my body relaxed. I stared into his green eyes and blushed. He returned me stare with his own concern eyes.

"Ellie. They're safe. Just that they're talking to Queen Nina at the palace now." there, Ethan dropped the bomb on me. I had been trying to get them for 1 entire day and now they just appeared like that? Without even coming to me first? What am I to them exactly!? Just a stranger? Or a child they brought up. I tensed up a little and stared hard into his green eyes. At least part of me was relieve that they were safe in the palace and not lying somewhere in a crash.

But then again, why would they be in the palace now? Were they planning to kick me out of the house after all that I had done? "What do you mean?" I asked in a small voice. I knew exactly what it meant. I just want Ethan to spell it out for me. I was too afraid to face the truth. I didn't want to be the one that got cast away. I felt like curling into a ball and rocked myself to sleep and after that, everything would be gone.

"It means that.... Your parents might gave you back to Queen Nina." Ethan replied me and he stared back into my turquoise eyes. His eyes reflected my own emotions, fear, sadness and something else. But what was that emotion he felt? I blinked once and felt my own tears rolled down. I felt the pain that I had never felt before. For the first time, I felt heartache. And this was for myself. But how could this be the truth!? Returning me back!? after everything? after.........

"Shhhh. Don't cry, I know it hurts." Ethan said and wiped tears off my cheeks. His gentle hands made me felt like a child that had lost everything. And his warmth reminded me of the love that I never had. He placed my head on his shoulder blade and let me cry, the whole time patting my head. I was so glad it was Ethan I am crying to. I felt like a fragile doll and he was my glue. I felt broken.

I was devastated. How could my parents do that to me? How could they fed me for so many years and now they want me gone? I did nothing to deserve this kind of treatment. I'm a human, not a ball being kicked around. A human girl in need of a house and love from parents. I lived long enough to know that.

After what seems like a eternity, I sat up and said "Ethan.... Drive me to the palace." wiping my tears off as well as wiping the wet patch on his shoulders. I owe Ethan a lot and I would repay him for that but It's time to face the truth now. The cold hard truth of being kicked around like a ball, having nowhere to stay and nobody to love. But I guess I found Ethan.

Ethan raised his eyebrow at me and he nodded. I whispered a "Thanks" and he smile. Such kind smile. I stared ahead as he drove off into the sun.


"There you are Ellie." Queen Annie said once I stepped into the living room, Ethan following behind. Ethan had managed to get me a new set of dress and shoes. I also got a shower and combed my hair, considering that Ethan carried me from my house to his car. We took about an hour to get dress and all. The whole time he was holding my hand. (I asked him to cause I'm afraid). But I also felt safe when he was with me. I had never felt this way before. Queen Annie saw our interlocked fingers but didn't question much.

"Wow, here comes the princess and the prince, hand in hand." Daphane said when she saw us, in a sarcastic voice and Ethan instinctively stepped up but I pulled him back towards me. I felt his need to protect me but this was my battle, I have to fight it myself with my own strength. Ethan was just here to guide me. My stomach flipped when I noticed mom and dad eyeing me. I wanted to run over and hugged them but I guess they would not like it.

"Queen Annie and Queen Nina, it's my pleasure to meet you." I said and curtsy to them. While Ethan bow slightly to pay his respect to both the queen. Ethan still had my hand in his and it seems that he didn't want to let go. But I did not mind it because I love the feeling of his hands with mine. It was as if we were meant to fit into each other but I didn't said anything.

"Oh Ellie, forget the manners for once, sit down." Queen Annie said, dispelling the tension in the air. Queen Nina was silent ever since I stepped into the living room but I saw her giving a small smile when she saw Ethan holding my hand. Or was I dreaming? Maybe it was a sad smile. Maybe it was regret. I did not knew what it was.

"Okay, let's get it over and done with. Marie and Dickson (my mom and dad name), your daughter Ellie...." Queen Annie started and was about to continue when Mom cut in with..... "I only have a daughter name Daphane." She turned to Daphane and held on to her hands while Daphane smirked at me. But to me, it felt like a stab in my heart. I looked at her and Daphane but she did not want to acknowledge my presence. My tears were threatening to spill. But I couldn't let it out. I have to be brave. I have to fight my own battle. But how could she did that to me? Not her daughter? It might be true but..... Ethan squeezed my hands slightly and I realize that we were still holding hands.

"Smile." he mouthed. I gave him a sad smile and I'm glad that he was with me. I returned his hand squeezed and sighed a little. I was glad to have someone I could talk to when I am feeling like the world had shut me out. I was so glad that Ethan had crossed my path the very first day and was persistent to be my friend.

Queen Annie cleared her throat and I turned my attention back to her. "As I was saying. Your.... Ellie, shall be the Princess of the distant Gardenia. Since Queen Nina here is Gardina's Best friend even though her kingdom is located at the south of Gardina." Queen Nina nodded and I eyed everyone in the room carefully. Dad was awfully quiet and staring at the cup. He looked as if he was deep in thought and wanted to say something.

"Whatever. Take her and go. Save your crap." mom said and crossed her arms. So typical of mom. She just wanted to leave this place. Be rid of me. Daphane smirked. Why wasn't dad saying anything? I glanced over to where dad was sitting and he was fidgeting. He was so calm a few seconds ago. What had happened? He caught me looking at him but he quickly looked away. At the side of my eyes, I noticed Queen Nina was uncomfortable too because she was fidgeting more than before.

"Marie, let me finish." Queen Annie said in a more serious tone "Ellie shall stay in the palace from today onwards." Queen Annie turned to me and beamed widely. Daphane smile got bigger since she finally got rid of me and mom was happy that the 'talk' was finished. Daphane was so happy but I would like to see how she survive now without me doing all the housework and doing her homework. I was happy inside but at the same time sad. Mom stood up without thinking and dragged dad and Daphane away without looking back.

Dad turned to look at Queen Nina with those "I love you" eyes and Queen Nina did the same thing. I saw everything slowly and clearly before dad turned and jogged to catch up with mum. What was that for? Was it what I thought it was?

It couldn't be true.....

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