Chapter 5

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<The other half of the Truth>

The moment I walked into the house, I heard "Ellie, you're late today." She crossed her arms in front of her and glared at me as if I am a poisonous plant before stomping up the stairs. (I am the older sister but it felt as if I have no power over her). I sighed and left my bag on the couch while on the way into the kitchen. To my horror, the kitchen was in a total mess. There were tissues everywhere, chili sauce and flour on the basin. Why did she need flour for? The floor was wet and best of all, the stoves are stained with oil. Either Daphane's trying to burn the house down, or she's trying to add more work to me. I vote for the latter.

I facepalm and shouted "Daphane! What have you done?" in disbelief. The kitchen was the place where I could do whatever I want like baking, cooking, experimenting different food because it was the only place where it provided me with silence and comfort. (And away from Daphane). Not only that, it led all the way to the backyard, which I could sometimes sit there and admired the sky. I heard her door opened with a squeaky sound, "It's your fault for coming home late." she shouted in return and slammed her door. Hard. I punched my fist on the kitchen counter and let out a short cry of frustration. Why on earth am I stuck with such a younger sister? What had I done in my previous life to deserve this? Didn't she had some humanity in her to help me out with housework?! Or stopped causing me so much trouble?!

"Shut up and clear the mess, Ellie. Mum will be here in 10 mins." Daphane shouted down once again before closing her door and I glanced at the wall clock. It was 5.50pm and Mum would be home soon? If she saw this mess, she'd bound to scold me. Not like she uses the kitchen everyday but she would find every fault in the house to shove it in my face. I quickly twisted my hair up into a bun and pulled up my sleeves. Grabbing a clean cloth off the kitchen counter, I wiped the floor first and then the stained cooking stove as fast as I could. I glanced at the clock and back to the mess made in the kitchen, I left 5mins! But there was still a number of things to clean. I'm so dead.

Finally, it was 6pm. I had managed to clear every mess she made and transformed it back into the same old kitchen. Just as I was about to sit down on the couch to rest my legs and eyes, the door bell rang. Within seconds, Daphane ran down the stairs and opened it. (And get this right, with that good girl faith she put on). I doubt she ever looked so overjoy when I came home, not to be mean but her reaction was the same when Betty saw me every time I opened the door. I knew it was mum even before Daphane opened the door. She hugged mum and dad and they hugged her back, the whole while forgetting that I still exists.

I took my bag off the couch and was about to head up my room while trying hard to make my presence known. I let out a sigh loudly and walked past the three, to the first step of the stairs, "Oh, hi Ellie." mum said as she walked past the stairs and into the living room with dad and Daphane following behind. Dad gave me a few side glances and smile to me like he knew what I was feeling. I smiled back. At least dad treated me like a human. Though he rarely did gestures like hugging, I knew he love me more because sometimes I would have wrapped gifts with a card on my desks. And it would always be when mom and dad came back from holiday. It would always be something that I look forward to. Since the start of day, I collected a few hundred cards from dad.

Once they sat down, I turned and headed straight up into my room. Daphne, Getting all excited, loudly asked "Mum, did you get anything for me?" And from her voice, I could almost imagined her looking earnestly at Mum and she would just laugh. I looked at my clock and decided that I must get ready to go to Bookies but not with the dirty clothes on. My bedroom door was left slightly ajar and I heard Daphane, Mum and Dad laughter below and my heart aches. Why couldn't I be like Daphane. Why couldn't I be love like her? Why couldn't I have what they gave her? I'm also their daughter. Or am I...... not?

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