Chapter 19

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<Officially a Princess>

"Now, we shall crown Ellie as Princess of Gardina!" Queen Annie said and mum -Queen Nina- took out a big transparent glass box with a Silvery Gold crown in it. Everyone in the room seems to be holding their breathe and my heart was thumping so loudly that I suspects everyone heard.

When Queen Nina opened the box, I could not believe that the crown was about to be placed on my head. I had mixed feelings about this. Ethan seems to have slipped beside me and he was giving my hand a gentle squeeze. I kept my eyes on Queen Nina and she seems glad that this day finally arrived. A helper took the box from her while she took out the crown in it.

"Princess Ellie, The Royal Princess." Mum said when she reached me and placed the crown on my head. I thanked her and turned to face the crowd, Queen Annie had told me to addressed the crowd after the crown was on my head. Flashes of lights were going off everywhere and I bet it must be the reporters. I felt nervous and thought I would faint anytime soon. The butterflies in my stomach were rumbling and I just wanted to find Betty to hug and play. I couldn't take the pressure of being stared at.

"Urm.... Good evening to everyone here. I'm glad you came to my birthday and this crowning of Princess." I took a breathe before continuing. "I really hope that I can help my people and make a better kingdom with Prince Ethan" - I turned towards Ethan and smile while he gave a small wave - "we promise to work together and strived as one. Thank you." I said and retreated a little. Feeling shy and wanting to hide from the crowd. They were not reacting, only flash lights and few mumblings.

"You'll be the best, Princess Ellie! Trust me!" I heard Maybel's voice shouting out loud and I beamed. After she said that, someone in the room clapped, I bet it was Max and I was right. He was standing at the front and clapping, soon everyone follow and the ballroom was filled with claps. This two best friends always trying to be funny in a tense situation. But I was glad they did it. I love them so much.

"Another thing, Prince Ethan and Princess Ellie are engaged." Queen Annie said and before anyone could react, she said "Enjoy the party." And she walked off. The lights in the room came on and the whole place with filled with people. I turned to hug Mum and Ethan and I ran off to find Maybel and Max.

"Ellie!" Maybel pulled me into a hug as soon as she saw me and I couldn't help but felt relief that I got to see them again. I had constantly text Maybel about the royal updates that she called it and she would FaceTime me when I was free. But she had missed me so much that she wanted to kidnap me away from Ethan. Many times, she would tell me her plans of the kidnapping and I would laugh because we both know that Maybel was afraid of the royal guards. They were a part if my life for as long as I could remember and these few months of this episodes of princess was making me stressful. They did a great job at supporting me and showering me with love even when I was away from them.

"Congrats Ellie." Max said and he gave me a patted on my shoulder. I said my thanks and they seems excited to see me again. I was excited to see them too. It had been so long.

"Ellie, you and Ethan were engaged? Where's your ring?" Maybel asked and she's getting overly excited that I couldn't catch up with her beats of excitement.

"Here it is." I said as I lifted up my hand and showed them my ring. Maybel and Max stared at it with wide mouth. "It's turquoise then green." Max pointed out as Maybel was twisting my hand around to examine the ring.

"Yeah. It was Ellie's and my eye color." Ethan said and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I smile and lean on his shoulders. Maybel lean into us and said "Ethan, if you bully her, I'll make sure you suffer." before walking out with a big smile on her face. She's satisfied that she fulfilled her mission on "threatening" the prince for not taking care of me and I couldn't help but laughed at her outburst.

"Woah, your friend's fierce." Ethan said and pulled me onto the dance floor just when the music changed to a slow waltz. Being in his arms was so comfortable and safe. When we hit the floor, everyone around us made space and watched as we waltz around, claiming the dance floor as ours. The music slowed and everyone started to join after awhile because they had watched us dance.

Spinning around and dancing in heels was not exactly the easiest thing to do. Queen Nina had me trained for a few months and Ethan was always there to be my dance partner. Though I had stepped on his feet a few times in heels, he had never complaint or whined. I am thankful for that. But now I am more stable in dancing in heels and the lessons were paying off. "Thank you Ethan." I said after a while, letting the music drown our silence.

"For what?" he said, considering for a moment and glanced around us.

"For everything." I said and smile at the flashback of everything he did since the day I knocked into him at the corridor and all the hurt and happiness he created in my plain life.

"Ellie, follow me." Ethan said and he pulled me away form the ballroom, heading out to the door, we slipped out of the crowd and nobody noticed that we were gone.

"Where are we going?" I asked and realize that he had draped his jacket on my shoulders. A true gentleman in making sure his lady stayed warm and taken care of.

"Somewhere special for your birthday." He smirked and placed an arm on my waist guiding me towards his car.


Okay, so here I am being blindfolded by Ethan and I have no idea where were we. The car had stopped and Ethan opened my door to lead me out of the car.

"Are we there yet?" I asked again, feeling a little nervous about where he would be bringing me to.

"Babe, how many time do you have to ask?" Ethan said and kiss me lightly. I smile at the contact of his lips against mine and I could smell his sweet perfume.

"We're here. Now, slowly pull off your blindfold." Ethan said and he helped me unknot the blindfold. I pulled it down and it was darkness around us. I can't see a thing.

"Happy Birthday Princess Ellie." Ethan whispered and he flipped on the lights. My jaw dropped. He actually decorated my garden, the one in school, to a very romantic setting. The lights were a shade lighter than usual and my desk was scattered with rose and a dinning set. He led me towards it and pulled my chair out before sitting down himself.

I stared at him wide eye as he did a double clap. A group of musicians came and they started playing "What makes you beautiful" by One Direction. I smiled and Ethan stood up and walked over to the microphone.

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else..." Ethan started singing and I laughed. Ethan's not exactly someone who could sing well but his effort was there and I love him for doing that. I hummed along with it and Ethan was smiling.

"Thanks Ethan." I said after he sang finish. "My pleasure" was his replied before the musicians walked off and I'm glad that he came into my life.

"I had the best day with you." I walked up to him and planted my lips on his. We knew we acted like we were married for 10 years but I really couldn't imagine a life without Ethan.

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