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(note this part will be a bit dark )

Bill's POV

After a good rest ..I opened my eyes and slowly got out of bed, I went ahead and woke my Boyfriend and shooting star up, they went to get their stuff while I went to the kitchen. Sixer and Fez were there with all the food , I didnt had to get ready...since I had nothing much to put in a bag. I just quietly went to the living room to think a bit...lately...stuff are ...were changed.

For some i like Pinetree...the hatred for the pines family plan to make the  weirdmageddon 2 ...I cant do it now...its too late without my powers....its...why?. I sighed 'Why did it have to happen..?' not sad being a happy with pinetree but...I always had hole in my heart somewhere now...just leave it Bill.

I heard Mabel called me "Lets go William! were ready!" , I looked around quickly then ran outside "Coming!", I looked at a car..probably Sixer or Fez's car... I sat down by Dipper and Mabel and then Fez began driving the car to the forest, The forest was quiet...Calming....a good place to think at. 

Suddenly the car stopped , I watched Pinetree and Shooting star run out to the forest excitedly, I quietly walked out of the car and laid under a tree...I felt ..sad? why? i had pinetree? the family?-....the pines family..

To be honest...I always felt bad for...liberating the second parents and family were there of course....NO I CANT FEEL BAD! I'M A HEARTLESS DEMON! SNAP OUT OF IT! I felt as if i was gonna cry any second now, I stood up and walked deeper into the forest, one was getting dark tho...i didnt wanted to lose my way back to them..

I sat behind some bushes and began thinking once again..How tho...I have no powers..there is no way the weirdmageddon 2 will be reality...if ill tell the pines the truth...and that i want them to help...they will kill me on the spot...i can't risk it.

I rubbed my teary eyes and walked back to the pines family, they already made the camp, the fire place and everything, Dipper looked at me and tilted his head "There you are, Where have you been?" he asked , oh great....."U...I thought I saw something..i got curious so i went to check what it was a deer in the end" I giggled , "ok" Dipper shrugged and ate some of the doritos, all i could do is stare fearfully at him..

It was night now... me and the pines family sat around the fire, hearing out stories that they have to share. Ford seemed to notice something..He looked around quietly , the other pines looked at him in confusion "anything wrong Grunckle Ford" Mabel asked, "No...but isn't this where Bills' statue was at?" he asked, i quickly got on alert. "Uh...yes i think so...i wonder where is it" she said, Pinetree got nervous quickly... Shooting star began to comfort him "Dont worry Dipper it will be fine" she said, I nodded and smiled at him "yeah Pinetree, nothing to worry if-!" The pines family looked at me, oh no..."uh...oops..?" I giggled nervously and slowly stood up, knowing i HAD to run.

"BILL?!" Ford quickly took out a gun, I began to run away. While Dipper stayed there completely shocked..."Ahh!" I yelled in pain...Ford managed to shoot my shoulder..oh gonna die..again...I tried not to cry and run deeper into the the end..Sixer lost me and I went to behind some bushes, i hugged my knees close to my chest...I couldnt forget Dipper's disappointed face.. so sorry...


enjoy le drama -u-

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