Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I wake up to a loud clanging sound in my apartment building. I quickly throw my hair up in a ponytail and open my front door.

"Miss Bertinelli, listen to me please," A man says as I hear the sound continue up the stairwell.

"What's going on here?" I ask, crossing my arms.

I look up the stairs to see Helena with a big suitcase, which she must have been dragging down the stairs. "Officer Beard here-"

"Detective Bard!" The man corrects.

"Whatever, is insistent that I should not leave Gotham after the murder of my entire family."

"And what do you think?"

"I disagree. I need to get away from this place for awhile, and besides I have Sal to protect me." I look up to the large figure blocking the light at the top of the stairs.

"Then what's the problem?"

"She's potentially still a target!"


He finally looks at me, his eyes scanning up my body, making the heat rush to my face. At least I wore a baggy t-shirt and shorts to bed... He clears his throat, staring at the ground. Ha, he must have realized I was his boss's daughter, "Oh, erm... sorry, Barbara, I didn't know you lived here."

"I do. You might want to go home, Jason."

"But your father-"

"Tell him she's fine. I will deal with him. You heard her," I glance up the stairs at the massive bodyguard, "she has Sal to protect her."

He stands there in confusion, looking between me and Helena, who has a big smirk on her face. He clearly had not met a headstrong woman in his life.

"Jason." He looks back at me, "Go home before I call my dad and tell him you were stalking me."

"What?! I would never-"

Helena laughs as she walks beside me, "I don't know, Barb, he was checking you out a minute ago..."

"I... I was not! This is a professional matter."

I laugh and put my elbow on Helena's shoulder, "I dunno... two witnesses talking about your behavior on the job towards me... to my dad... who's your boss..." I look at Helena, "I don't think that would end really well, would it?"

"No it would not, frankly, I don't know why he's still standing here."

He turns and races down the stairwell, red in the face. Helena and I laugh together as she gives me a big hug.

"I'm going to miss you, Barb."

"Me too. Whenever you come back to town, give me a call."

She hesitates, as if she were about to say she isn't coming back, but as Alfred says: people always surprise you, "I will, thanks."

I turn to look up the stairs as she grabs the suitcase, "Bye Sal!" I see the light in the hallway increase for a moment. He must have nodded. I sigh and close my door. Phew... glad I have the day off. I need a mental break. I find my phone and text Dick.

Wanna grab coffee?

I start to get ready for the day, being sure to keep my phone nearby. I am just finishing my makeup as he texts me back.

Sure be there in 10.

I quickly grab and apple to eat while I wait for Dick. Okay, Barb, you can do this. Just fish for info about this girl, don't let on that you are one bit jealous... which you aren't. Ugh, who am I kidding, I'm totally jealous, but like Al said I have to be happy too. No wallowing in self pity. Not today. I take a deep breath as I toss the core in the trash, hearing my phone buzz. I lock up my apartment and glance up the stairs. No pity parties today, Barb, just be happy for them. I put a smile on my face and skip down the steps.

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