Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Remind me why we are sneaking onto the roof of the Gotham Police Department again?" I ask more out of nervousness than forgetfulness.

"We have to turn on the signal to get him to come." Dick responds as we near the familiar lights of the GCPD.

"I thought you knew him?"

"Yeah, that doesn't mean I can text him..." He laughs, "He doesn't even have texting. Well, he has it, he's not as accustomed to it as we are."

He turns down an alley, away from the police department, "Hey, GCPD is that way."

"I know, but we can't just waltz right over and use their ladder cause they have cameras."

I take a deep breath. Come on Barbara, you've gone this far and just now you're getting scared? I follow him as he weaves through the buildings, as if he knows exactly where to go. He suddenly stops, and I bump into him because of the darkness. Jeez he's like a rock!

"Sorry-" I whisper.

"Shhh. Climb."

I listen to the faint sound of his feet going up the ladder. I start climbing after I can't hear him. The first step I take makes a sound that makes me freeze. The whole neighborhood could hear that! How the heck is he so quiet? I quickly make my way up the ladder, getting quieter towards the top, until I step onto the roof. We are about seven stories up. I look towards the GCPD, which is a few buildings away. I look out over the city and feel the wind rushing through my hair. I could get used to this.

"Did they teach you how to roll?"

His voice drives me out of my thoughts, "Oh ummm yeah."

"Good cause you'll need to."

He starts running full speed towards the edge of the building, "Wait Dick-"

"Follow me!"

He jumps and soars a few feet above the next building and rolls to absorb the impact. Okay, Barbara... you've rolled before... just not seven stories up... I back up to the back of the ladder and sprint towards the edge. For a few seconds I feel like I am flying and time almost stops, then I see the rooftop coming into view. My toes briefly touch before I roll across the roof. Aside from the bits of gravel on my shoulders, I feel great. Energized, like something's been awakened inside me.

I look over to Dick who is smiling at me as he turns for the next building. I laugh and run beside him we jump over the gap and roll to the next building. The next one is GCPD. Keeping our momentum going, we don't stop and run and roll.

As I stand up and brush myself off I smile at Dick who is walking over to a big spotlight. I hold in a gasp. It's the bat signal!! Okay Babs, breathe... you're only going to meet your childhood idol and his cute sidekick who are going to help get your dad's job back... yeah no pressure.

The light hums to life and a giant bat appears in the clouds. Wow this is too cool. I suddenly feel like someone is behind me. I spin around in a fighting stance but my fists drop. I stare at the big black figure in front of me.

"You rang?" He says in a voice that is scrambled, so no one can know his identity from his voice.

"Yeah Bats," Dick says as he hands him a thumb drive. Batman grunts, "Miss Gordon collected this evidence for-"

"I can speak for myself," I say as I glare at him, "Sir, I collected this evidence to get my father's job back. I found a lot more than I bargained for... and some of it concerns you."

"Let's take a look then." He slips the drive into his wrist. He is quiet as he looks over the evidence. I wonder how he can do that without a computer- "Does he know?"

"No sir. It is still there."

He nods,"Good. I knew this would happen as soon as your father lost his job. This only makes the situation more dire. This information is safe with me, and I assure you I will do everything in my power to get your father back to work."

"Thank you sir-"

"But know this: if you decide to continue your work and get caught, Thorne will show you no mercy especially because of who you are."

"Yes sir."

"Glad we understand each other." He nods at Dick, who nods in return. He takes a device from his side and shoots some sort of cable off in the distance. The light switches off, and he is gone. Where was Robin?

I sigh as Dick points to the next building, which is the same height as GCPD. I clear the thoughts of Batman's warning out of my head and race Dick to the other building. I laugh as I roll across the rooftop first.

"I won, I won," I sing to myself as he rolls next to me.

"Very funny..."

"See I don't need to have rules to beat you, Grayson."

"Oh really?"


"Well, news flash, I gave you a head start."

"You just keep telling yourself that."

He looks away, and his voice gets serious, "Did you even listen to what he said?"

"Of course I did."

"Then you know why you should stop this, before it's too late."


"If you won't do it for yourself, then do it for me."

He has definitely changed since high school... but why? "Dick, why do you care so much about me?"

"Because I- um you're... because you're my friend Babs and friends have to look out for each other."

I smile and look at the ground, "Thanks."

"That's what friends are for," He smiles as he puts his arm around me.

"I think I know what's changed about you."

"What's that?"

"I think you got a little soft."


"Yeah here let me see." I tap his chest.

He fake winces, "Ahhh that hurt."

"See I told you," I laugh.

"You know what's different about you?"


"You're confident and radiant and... and... athletic-"

"I've always been athletic."

"Okay so scratch that one off the list."

I laugh, "For real though. I think I figured it out. You found your heart. Not that you didn't have it before cause everyone has a heart... just that I don't think you really showed it or expressed it."

I look up and he is beaming but his smile starts to fade, "Thanks Babs."

"Wait, did I say something wrong?"

"No... I mean you're right but there are still a lot of things I'm working on... and I uh just need to think."

He starts to climb down the ladder, "If it was something I said, I'm sorry."

He sighs, "Trust me, Barbara, it's not you."

Feeling down, I sit on top of the roof for a few minutes, staring up at the night sky. I sigh as I brush myself off and head to the ladder. I wish he would trust me enough to tell me what's wrong.

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