Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"She's only a kid," I faintly hear someone say as I start to come to.

"So were you. Actually, you were even younger..."

"Yeah, but-"

"Just because she's a girl doesn't mean she can't be a hero. You should know that by now."

"Yeah, yeah... You're sure about this? There's no turning back."

"I'm sure."

As my body wakes up and regains its strength, I can feel bindings around my feet and hands, and a blindfold over my face. I involuntarily grunt as I pull against the rope.

"Sorry about that, precautionary measures," I hear someone say as they walk behind me, "We're not going to hurt you."

The blindfold is taken off and I can see. A gasp escapes from my mouth as I take everything in. It's a giant cave, filled with computers, walls of gadgets, chemistry labs, a fighting ring, and a large platform. I turn my attention back to the people who brought me here. In front of me stands Batman and Robin.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Robin asks.

"It's amazing."

"Thanks, I built it myself," Batman smiles. Wait a second, did he really smile? "You did some great work today."

"Uh... thanks, sir."

"Just one question: How did you track Killer Moth?"

I laugh at myself, "It's nothing, really. I had perfume on, and when I was fighting him, it must have rubbed off on his suit because I could faintly smell it on things he bumped into."

"See, told you she was smart," Robin smirks.

"Why exactly am I here?"

"We have a proposition for you," Batman says, "Since you're operating with a Bat logo, we thought you should join us."

"Oh my god, are you serious?!?"

"But, there are rules."

"Of course, anything."

"You must keep up your civilian identity, we don't want anyone to get suspicious. Most important is discretion. We must conceal our identities, except for when we are around each other. In the suit, you will refer to us as Batman and Robin, but right now," He slides his mask off, "You can call me Bruce."

My jaw drops... then that means-

Robin takes off his mask, "And I'm Dick."

I reach to take off my own mask, but I'm still restrained.

"Oh, right, let me get that for you." Dick reddens as he cuts me loose.

"Thanks... well, I'm not sure what I'm called in the suit just yet, but..." I slide my mask off, "I'm Barbara."


I nod as I hear Bruce laugh.

"I can't say I didn't see it coming."

"You called, Master Bruce?" An elderly British man in a suit asks from the top of the stairs.

"Yes, Alfred, I wanted you to meet Barbara, our latest edition to the team."

"Ah, Miss Gordon, I have heard a lot about you. It is very nice to meet you."

"You too, Alfred."

"Will she be needing a new suit, sir?"

"Yes," Bruce replies, "Come by tomorrow and bring your suit and gadgets."

"Of course, sir, I mean Bruce. I cannot thank you enough."

"Your training begins tomorrow, so get some rest. Alfred will show you the way out."

I have a huge smile on my face as I follow Alfred up in an elevator through a secret door in Wayne Manor.

"Thank you for showing me around, Alfred."

"My pleasure Miss Gordon, I am sure you will make a great edition to their team."

"Thanks," I smile as I slip my mask back on.

"I'm also sure Master Dick is thrilled."

He turns and walks away as I open the front door.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I shout as I faintly hear him chuckle.

I shrug it off as I make my way home, beaming all the way. This is a dream come true. I can't believe it's really happening. Hopefully when I wake up tomorrow, it won't just be a dream.

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