Chapter 17

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A/N: Hey everyone, I just want to say thank you again and again for all your kind words about this story. It really means the world to me, and I cannot thank you all enough.

Love you guys!! And enjoy!



Chapter 17

You can do this, Barbara. You can do this. You just have to focus. Sure he's trained more than you have and is stronger and... oh who am I kidding I'm doomed! I look across the ring to Bruce who is slowly walking to the fence around the sparring arena.

"Since you've been trained, I assume you know how to take a hit."

I swallow a lump in my throat. Oh god...

"Master Bruce, please-"

"Stay out of this Alfred." He snaps back.

Seeing him yell at Alfred like that stirs something up inside of me. "Hey," I shout, "Leave Alfred alone."

I see Bruce's eyes flash with anger, "Excuse me?"

"He may be your butler, but you can't treat him like that, especially after all he's done for you. You know, I finally understand why Dick would want to leave... you're a controlling, overbearing, pompous ass."

In a flash, Bruce is in front of me. He's fast. Block, block, block, block, block. He is relentless, and he doesn't seem to be losing any energy. As I continue to block, I quickly swipe his feet and dive roll across the ring. When I come back up, my right ear is ringing.

"Keep your hands up," Bruce sneers.

************ Flashback *************

"Keep your hands up," Dragoncat laughs.

My ten year old self tries to block his attacks with little success. I fall on the mat as he stands above me, waving my orange belt. The whole class is surrounding us in a circle.

"You think you deserve this? You won't even fight back! You break boards, you show up to class, but you don't even have the guts to fight back."

I sniffle as I hear my classmates laughing at me.

"Oh no... she's going to cry! That may have solved your problems with mommy and daddy, but on the streets, no one cares. Crying means you're weak, and you are WEAK, Barbara."

Something snaps in my head, as I grab his arm while I knock out his knees. He and the class are staring at me with wide eyes.

"I'm not weak."

********** End of Flashback ********

"I'm not weak." I hear myself mumble as my brain goes into survival mode. I stare across the ring at Bruce, who is already on his feet. He's most dangerous when he's close, so it's best to keep him out of punching and grabbing range.

I watch him come towards me, almost in slow motion, as I run and slide past him, getting up as soon as I pass by. I immediately slam my hands into his shoulder, ducking as he spins around with a back hand. I stand back up and land a few light punches into his solar plexus. He grabs my wrist, and I whip it out of his grip and flip and turn backwards.

We circle each other slowly, not because we are tired but to strategize. My turn. I sprint towards his left, quickly going to his right and slapping his ribs with a back hand. I go to roll away when he kicks me in the stomach mid dive.

It stuns me for a second, and I try to get up on my feet, but he's already there. He grabs my throat with his hands and pushes me against the cave wall. I know he isn't using as much force as he could, but either way, I am pinned to the wall if I don't get out.

Batgirl BeginsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora