Tanya Texts

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"What's wrong dolly? You look uneasy" Harley asks as I look at my phone

"Huh? Oh its just my friend. I've been having so much fun with you and mistah J, I completely forgot about her. Who forgets about their best friend that they've known for a very long time?"

She shrugs

I text Tanya back
Me; Hey T sorry I didn't talk for the past few days

I get an immediate text back. Its like she was on her phone when I texted her. We go back and fourth.

Tanya; OMG so you are okay. That's good to know. Your works called me saying that you haven't been there in a few days. What's going on?

Me; I could tell you but not over the phone. Its too dangerous

Tanya; well then why don't we meet up later today at my house?

I turn to Harley and i say
"Hey Harls, my friend wants to meet up later at her house. Is it okay if I go before date night?" I ask

"If you get caught or if you're not back in time for date night, you'll be missing out on alto of fun" she smirks

I text Tanya back
Me; but you can't have anyone over. Just you and me

Tanya; got it girly just text me when you're on your way

I put my phone away and Harley pulls into an alley.

"An alley, really? Its kinda sketchy, but I like it" I say as I get out of the car.


Hey guys! This is just a filler chapter, that is why its so short.

I wanted to give you guys something to look forward to.

I also wanted to ask you guys if it was okay if I can change Ella Lynne's main weapon later on in the story (within the next few chapters)

To that^

I found it and I thought I would be great for her.
What do you guys think?

Let me know in the comments.

And if you liked this short little chapter maybe you could help this story out by hitting that vote button.
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Its all up to you

Anyways thanks for reading!

Stay lovley

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