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Hannah's POV

      Hey! I'm Hannah Ark! I'm 16 and the smartest girl at Goode High. I wish I could say that I have a bunch of friends or at least a social group that I can hang out with, but no one seems to like me. Well except for one guy. His name's Percy Jackson, the hottest guy in the whole school. But he is actually really nice. He always has time to say hi to me and let's me hang out with him. Even though he could probably hang out with the popular group he's kind of a loner. But nobody bullies him.

      Since he's so hot all the girls are after him. Especially Jade Phillips. The school slut. She has perfect skin perfect hair perfect everything. And now she wanted Percy. Of course every time she asks him out he declines saying he has a girlfriend. We all know he's lying and is just trying to be polite. I think he likes me back.

      Oh! Did I mention I game the biggest crush of all time on him. No? Well I'll tell you about it. You see Percy and I have been friends for a year now and sometimes I catch him looking in my direction with a wistful look on his face. In all honesty I do sit in the front of the class, so he could just be daydreaming and trying not to get caught but hey. A girl can dream right? Yeah. Anyway I'm on my way to lunch to meet him.

_____________Time Skip lunch____________

      "Hey, Percy.", I said as my heart fluttered, "Sup, Hannah. Hey about the history project on Greek gods, do you mind if we do it at my place, because my mom wants me to watch my baby sister while she's out with my stepdad. She won't cry or anything. She's usually really quit.", I could tell he really needed to do it at his House so what else could I say, "Of course. We can do it at your place. And don't worry about your sister I'm great with kids. By the way what's her name. Your sister I mean." He started smiling, "Kiana. She is so cute! I love her." He was cute when he was like that.

      As I walked to gym I thought about how we would get to his house. I never get here late enough or leave early enough to see if he has a car or if does what it looks like. Whatever, I thought as I walked into the locker room.

---------------------time skip after school----------------

      I walked out of school and looked around the student parking lot for Percy. When I saw him he was leaning up against the side of a sleek sea green sports car reading a book.

      "Hey, Percy where did you get a sweet ride like this?", "Hm. Oh this my dad got it for me. Anyway, you ready?", "Yeah", I got into the passenger side of the car a little sad that Percy didn't hold open the door for me like he would for someone he liked.

--------------time skip after doing project---------------

I was packing my stuff up and was about to start to head to the door but was surprised when the door burst open, "Seaweed Brain!!!! Where did you put my blue prints for New Athens!!!", What surprised me even more was that Percy actually responded saying, "Annabeth, I left them in the kitchen where you left them.", "Percy who's that?" "Oh that's Annabeth my girlfriend.","Oh that's nice. I-uh have to go.", and that's how I found out about how Percy wasn't lying and how I got my heart broken.


I hope you guys like my first chapter. Critics are welcome just please no flames.

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