[5] Over not under

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Walls are made to break and fences are to go over, not under.

The walls between me an Alexandria hold some glory to them. I didn't think there would be anyone here when I got here. But then again, it's only residents could be just be more walkers. 

As I approach I realize that the only way in would be to make my way over the wall. The sheet metal and wood supports stared down at me menacingly.

How was I supposed to climb that?

I walked the perimeter of the structure, there was really no way in or under it. It must be to keep the biters out. There must be people. I had to believe there was people, it was the last thing I had.

The place, that I assumed was the gate seemed in tact. I rattled it to check for walkers. There was no point in risking my life to jump right into a camp full of them.

There was no snarling, nor any noice from behind the linked chains.

"H-hello! Hello?" I cried out. My voice came out as more of a choke like rasp, but it had been a long time since I'd spoken.

"I'm Hope Cooper! Is there anyone living here?" I holler as I beat against the fence with my fists.

There was no answer. I hadn't expected much, but still. Something would have been nice.

I steadied my breathing, this was the only way in.

Readily walking up to the wall, I began to climb the support beam. It was a struggle to say the least.

It tore my dry hands to bleeding, my boots slipped often, but some how I caught myself each time.

I made it up to the cross bars on the wall finally. I swung my leg up, then after that didn't work, I just jumped up. I landed my elbows, then heaved the rest of my body up after. It was difficult. I had barely any strength left in me to spend. I had no food, and no water. If there was nothing here I was as good as dead.

"Havin' fun?"

I was so startled I almost lost my grip. Almost.

It was a person. A man at that. By the looks of it they didn't even have a gun pointed at me.

Well yet anyways.

I couldn't even see the guy. He must have been somewhere on the other side.

A rush of exhilaration coursed through me. This was it. I found it, I found salvation!

I hurried my climbing to the top. At which point I was completely exhausted, to the point that I just sat there for a minute.

"Howdy." The man said, I whipped my head to the side. And there he was, a boy about my age, with shining brown hair. I couldn't see his face, it was buried in a book.

"W-who..." I tried to stammer out. I bit my tongue and hard. I never knew talking to be this hard.

"You are?" The boy asked. He was sat atop, what looked like a lookout post placed against the wall. I only realized it was even there once now on the top of the wall.

"Hope. Did you not hear my yelling?" I was a bit puzzled. It was too quiet. How could he not have if he was right here?

The boy looked up from what I now realized was a comic book, to stare at me. With a brilliant blue eye.  The other was covered by white gauze. He wore his long brown hair down.

He looked so unlike anyone I had ever seen. I stared back at him. He looked tired, far more tired than someone his age should look. His face creased slightly into a frown, his features looked worn down and worried somehow. There was life here, but it looked like it was a hard one by the looks of this boy.

"We all heard you. Even the geeks. What the hell are you doing here?" He spat, color doting his lightly freckled face

"Geeks? My mom... The last thing she said, she died... Alexandria. By the looks of the signs, this is it right?" I stumbled over my words.

"Geeks.  It's just another word for walker or biter, whatever you call the things." He heaved.

I watched the boy for another good minute. The first person I had really seen in maybe months, and all he could say was that? I was under whelmed.

I looked around, I had two options, turn back or go over. I was now leaning towards the prior of the two. What would they think of me, these people? I didn't belong here. I knew that, but I wanted to try.

"Hey! You! Leave." A girl yelled from below the wall.

"Enid. I got this!" The boy hissed at the dark haired girl.

"I'm getting your dad, Carl. You should have shot her." The girl, Enid, said with contempt in her voice.

"Fine. Tell him. But I'm not shooting her, and neither are you." The boy, I suppose Carl, said with an exasperated sigh.

"Fine." Enid chirped as she turned and left.

I looked over the place, it was a cluster of nice houses and paved streets. It was a decent enough spot.

"So you were told to come here?" Carl asked flatly.

"Y-yep. Is Diana, or was it Deanna, around? Can I talk to her? She used to... know my mom, she'd help me or something." I mumble.

"She's dead. Most of the Alexandrians are. They were too weak. Only the strong survive. So you must be at least a bit strong to get here after all this time." Carl said with a sad expression, but his voice rang strong and clear, unwavering.

"I'm pretty average. I'm not really out there." I explain to the boy. Maybe he saw the truck at some point. I did get pretty lost a lot.

"Like you had a car? A truck even? Like a big white Chevy?" He asked as he returned his full attention back to his comic.

"Y-yeah." I stammer almost happy to hear it. I wanted my truck back. It still had a few of my things in it.

"I saw it a few days ago. I got a few things out of it. Want 'em?" Carl asked casually.

"I would." I reply, he was really giving me mixed vibes. Was he trying to be nice or was he just a prick, I couldn't tell.

"Stop by my place later. You can have them back then." He said as he stood.

A man came strutting down the street with the girl, Enid. I suppose he's Carl's father. Looks like him too, same eyes and similar face.

Carl turned his back to the camp, and looked out into the dead filled woods beyond. A riffle now in his hands, and a large cowboy hat sat atop his head.

"Don't screw with us. You'll regret it." Carl muttered almost to himself but I could hear him.

I knew it wouldn't be easy here. I would have to gain the trust of these people, one by one. It was the only way.

"I'll remember." I replied as I watched the man below near me. These people deserved to be here. What was I doing?

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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