Chapter 9

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"Is it good? Do you like it?" Kade questioned me earnestly as we sat on his couch, eating the dinner he had made. He had planned a special dish that he had learned whilst growing up in Montana. It wasn't a Montana native dish, it was just something his parents had enjoyed. He had whipped up a little batch of baked potato soup, which was absolutely delicious.

"Yea, it's really really good." I mumbled between mouthfuls of the stuff. It was like five-star restaurant good, although I didn't think any five-star restaurant would sell baked potato soup. They would probably sell something more like gold shavings with a side of caviar. Rich people, I thought.

Kade smiled, and took another bite of his. While we were eating, we were watching a movie. I had chosen the movie, since he had chosen and made the dinner. I had scanned through his DVD case, and had been surprised to find all five 'Twilight Saga' movies there. Of course, I had to watch one. Therefore, we were now watching his big flat screen, where Bella and Edward were meeting for the first time. Classic. He didn't seem bored with it, though. He was kind of into it. I chuckled quietly to myself, grinning.

"What?" He asked, confused and a little wary.

"I just think it's really funny that you're watching Twilight so calmly." I giggled, setting my porcelain bowl down on the coffee table in front of me. I was finished.

He laughed, too. "I've read the books, also. The movies are okay."

"You've read the books?!" I exclaimed in artificial shock. I had read the books, too, of course. It was only natural for a teenage girl to read them. They were one of my favorite book series, and Stephenie Meyer was most definitely one of my favorite authors. Her writing was just so detailed --- I admired it so much.

"Mhm. I have. Definitely Team Edward." He grinned at me. I shook my head in disbelief. My twenty-three year old English teacher boyfriend had read Twilight. What had the world come to? It still shocked me to hear English teacher and boyfriend in the same sentence, even if I was only thinking it. Kade and I had made our relationship secretly official on Wednesday, so it hadn't been even a week, but...

"Ooh, that's a sore spot. I'm more of a Team Bella girl. Go women!" I shot my fist into the air. Kade laughed, it was a beautiful sound. Only a reader and writer like me would find such a simple thing to be so pretty and calming. He was calming to me. Suddenly, he got kind of quiet and serious, and turned to me.

"Let's talk about us. I want to know more about you. Your history, your loves, etc." He said, staring me straight in the eyes. I realized that we didn't know much about each other, we only knew the basic things. Since we had started speaking again, neither of us had had a deep conversation with the other. It was only a matter of time, though.

"Yea. Let's do that. That sounds fun." I agreed. Most people didn't know that I loved to talk about myself. I was one of those people that loved filling out questions about me, and taking those weird personality quizzes on Buzzfeed. Maybe that was just a writer thing. I didn't know, for sure. The movie was still playing, but I didn't care. I wanted to talk more than I wanted to watch a movie I had seen hundreds of times.

"Tell me about your family." Kade asked, his eyes very interested. I wasn't sure where to start. I didn't have a super bad family life; my family was actually really good with each other, and we had grown up in a very positive environment. Other than the fact that I literally never saw my brother, it was cool.

"What do you want to hear about first?" I asked timidly. I really did not know how to start telling him my life story. Where to start? Where to start?

"All the way at the beginning. I want to hear about it all." He stated, a grin on his face.

"Well, I've grown up in a relatively positive family. I have two parents, a brother..." I began, getting into my story. "My brother and I were really close growing up, and we still are now. He lives in New York City as a journalist."

"A journalist? I considered going into that profession before I went to school for English." He reminisced, a thoughtful look on his face.

"It's what I want to do, too. Either that or just be a full time novel writer." I chuckled, toying with the hem of my blouse. I was so relieved I hadn't spilled any food or drinks on it. That would have been so embarrassing.

"You would do really well with that. You're an amazing writer." He complimented me, with a very confident look in his eyes. His confidence was overwhelming, but I loved it. I loved everything about him, he was so perfect. I had never met anyone as utterly flawless as him. He may not be perfect to everyone else, but he was to me. I had no idea why but he just was.

"I think I would, too." I grinned, blushing as red as a tomato probably. Being sassy with him was slightly new to me. Being confident was new to me. This was all new to me, but I was trying as hard as I could to be comfortable. To show him I wasn't afraid of him.

Attention! Sorry this was a very short chapter, my mind just wasn't keeping up with it all, and I wasn't feeling the creativity. I might add more, or I'll just start a new chapter. Again, sorry about this one :/

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