The object of his affection, however, made it extremely difficult for him.

It was even more difficult not to just go to Arthit's flat, even if unannounced to check up on him when he was sick. It was difficult for him to not look at Arthit's window, to check his balcony. He didn't fight though if his mind filled with images of Arthit; it would have been a lost cause anyway.

Seeing Arthit chat with his friends, outside of their campus was disconcerting. It had been quite sometime since he last saw Arthit outside of his third year image. Even that night after their last exam had been but a fleeting moment. By the time Kongphob had looked back, Arthit had been gone.

Now Arthit was standing next to him, the scent of the former's cologne permeating his senses. When Tum and Phone casually talked about how 0062 and 0206 code members were fated to be together left him dispirited. He was going to be the first one in their university's long history for whom it was not going to happen. His 0206 was so physically close to him and yet they had a divide wider than an ocean. He was within touching distance and yet Kongphob couldn't even look in his way.

Arthit didn't surprise the taller boy when he tried to talk to him. Kongphob knew Arthit was feeling guilty for his actions and would try to mend things between them  but Kongphob didn't wish to get his hopes up and asked the other boy to refrain from any friendly unnecessary interactions.

Nevertheless, Kongphob watched Arthit continously glance at him through the entire party. He also didn't miss Arthit take the card to Tum (the one Kongphob had not-so seriously suggested Arthit to give the then-fiance on his wedding.) For some reason Kongphob chose to stay behind instead of leaving with his senior Pern. Arthit surprised him this time when he asked the taller boy to follow him for food - even though there was an entire banquet going on inside.

Kongphob followed him confused, unable to discern the other's actions as Arthit and he ate in silence after Arthit exchanged their orders just like before. The way Kongphob's heart palpitated in its cage, he thought his chest was going to get bruised. He was already nursing phantom bruises of his heartbreak. He was apprehensive of what Arthit was going to say next. He was trying to squash the hopes trying to sneak back in when Arthit kept glimpsing at him, gave him the chopsticks or placed the meatballs in his bowl. There was no way this was going to end in anything good.

Kongphob was barely able to digest his rice and omelette wanting to throw up from all the trepidation.

Nevertheless, he still followed Arthit walking behind the shorter boy unable to muster courage to fall in step with him.

They walked all the way to Rama bridge before Arthit finally stopped.


Arthit made up his mind after talking to Tum. Notwithstanding his misgivings regarding their current situation, he decided to take action. Now only if he could find a chance to..

He called Kongphob on the phone relieved to see him when he turned around. Given his temperament, Arthit needed to be in control of things to do what he was going to do. He was going to give the younger boy the answer to the question he never really got to ask. Breathing in, he asked the other boy to accompany him for food. He needed some lesser crowded place, somewhere where no one knew them. They silently ate their food. Arthit tried to gauge the other's reaction. He didn't know exactly what Kongphob was thinking but he could tell the knit brows of the younger boy was one of confusion and incertitude. Arthit could only hope that he wasn't too late.

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