Chapter 2|| plastic

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When we moved into our grandpapys house I knew at that very moment, he and my brother would play a prank on me... good thing I was ready! The prank they came up with was, have to admit, was kinda brilliant... but mine was still way better then theirs. When I walked into my grandpapys house, this gooy slime fell on top of me. I was soaked from head to toe in it. I was pissed!! Let's just say I got my pay back.

I put some ketchup on the floor and covered the knife in some fake blood. I had to lay there for about 2 minutes before they found me "dead". I swear my grandpapy almost had a heart attack... I knew it wasn't the right time to do this kind of prank but I had to get them back some how.
"I hide the money in the...." were my "last" words. When I said that they realized it was a prank. They said it wasn't funny, and I know it wasn't the right time but just had to get them back for what they did to me. They both started  to tear up after the prank, then I felt bad.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD JESS!!!!!!! If anything actually happened to you..." he paused for a moment thinking about what he would have done if something were to actually happen "please don't do that ever again"
I started to tear up and soon I was crying with them.
Now not only was my makeup ruined, but I promised myself I wouldn't cry. I shouldn't have done that to them, but I mean come on, it had to be a little

It's been a month since I played the prank on my grandpapy and my brother. They seemed to get over it really quickly. I think they're just happy nothing actually happened to me.
When me and Hunter went back to school, the plastics surrounded Hunter with hugs and I'm sorry for your loss', it honestly made me even more sad because it reminded me of much I hate me life.
The reason I call them plastic because even a Barbie doll would be jealous of how fake they are. I guess it just became their name, for me at least. But when no one looks everyone talks about them, and not in the good way either. There might be some people who talk good about them but that's only because they want to be one of them. It bugs me to see how many people would give up on everything they know to play dumb or to fit in with them.

Just as I was about to turn and walk away from the swarm of people crowding my brother, I get a text message from none other then the main Barbie, Kendall.

Kendall🙄🔫: "I would say I'm sorry for your loss, but I'm not. Your mom was a bitch, she deserved what she got."

As I read the text message I started to tear up... this hurt me more then anyone could ever know.

Me: "just because you're "friends" with my brother doesn't give you the right to treat me like trash."

Kendall🙄🔫: "oh hunny.... you think you're that important? Honestly the whole world would be better off without you. HANG YOURSELF ALREADY!!!!"

I know I should be telling an adult or anyone for that matter, like my brother, about how she bullies me on the side. But I just didn't want anyone to think I'm weak, people already hate me, so why give them another reason to. I knew I shouldn't have read those text messages, but I didn't think she would take it this far.... you see me and her actually used to be best friends, but then she grew up, got hot and started hanging out with the "popular" kids. Don't get me wrong I hate her with all of my guts, but part of me wishes the old her came back to me.

Man... what I wouldn't do to just go back to the good old days when I didn't have to worry about how my grades looked on my application. I've always wanted to go to Harvard, so I couldn't afford any mishaps. Although my grades were pretty much all straight A's, I just didn't take chances to try and make my life better then my grades. We all have to make sacrifices to have what we wanted and for me what I wanted was Harvard. So my social life just laid down and died, everyone helped dig the hole.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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