Chapter 3

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Chapter Three


In Raeburn it was the celebration of the spring equinox, the second since Seraphina's trip to Merton.  Watching his daughter dance by the fire with Aldwyn Hammond felt contented to see a side to his daughter he rarely saw.  Darea took her husbands hands and drew him into a dance amongst familiar strangers in a night of celebration. 

Seraphina rarely spoke of her trip to Merton which had made her parents curious.  Hammond had supposed the trip was not as exciting as she had hoped and that it may have quashed her ambitions of leaving the village, this made Darea content.  He said nothing of returning to Ogden or training her and hoped that the serenity would last, all the time knowing that it would not.  Like the changing of the seasons Seraphina's mood began to change, she became restless again, going for long rides and walks. It had been two years since she came home, happy and contended to return. He had watched her carefully and knew in his heart that it wouldn’t last.

Seraphina was riding Ciardha to meet with Aldwyn down by the river. As she greeted her friend she dismounted and they walked along the riverbank until they reached their usual spot. Seraphina was unusually quiet as she tied the reins up on a branch.    

He could see on her face that perhaps she was in no mood for his company but he had long since given up on trying appeasing her dispositions.

“Oh come on it’s your birthday nearly.”  He nudged her.

“Aldwyn it’s almost a full cycle away and really what I possible could get that would be better than time spent with my best friend.” Aldwyn beamed

 Seraphina laughed and patted Ciardhas nose “Ciardha really is the best friend a girl could have.”

“That hurt Seraphina, I might not tell you what you might be getting now” he said tapping his nose, this got her attention. 

“Do you know what my parents are planning Aldwyn?”

Aldwyn shrugged “I can’t tell you.”

“Oh cant you?” Seraphina dived on him tickling and pinching him.

 “What am I getting, tell me.” Aldwyn squirmed under the intruding hands ticking him and laughing grabbed her wrists and rolled her over pinning her to the floor.

Surprised by Aldwyn’s Seraphina became aware of his breath on her face, she was infuriated that she was now defenceless.  She pushed and wriggled but was unable to get free, for the first time Aldwyn had overpowered her.  She stopped smiling when Aldwyn laughed triumphantly, for the first time Seraphina realised that Aldwyn was no longer the scrawny boy she had pulled into the river. 

Aldwyn stopped laughing and the look in his faced changed, before she could move he bent down and kissed her.  At first the shock of it immobilized Seraphina's body and then anger surged through her body.  Gathering all her strength she pushed Aldwyn off and he landed to her side, she ran to Ciardha her hands trembling.

“Seraphina wait.”  Aldwyn's voice sounded distressed, but she did not want to look at him she managed to untie Ciardha and jumped onto the horses back.

“Seraphina, please.”

She felt a hand grab her reins, Aldwyn looked intently at her.

“Don’t touch me!”  She snarled.

Aldwyn let go and backed away as she turned Ciardha around and raced off.

“Seraphina, I’m sorry.” He wailed after her. 

She heard his pitiful plea and tried to block the tears from coming.  He had sounded so desperate and looked so hurt as she had shouted at him, she did not think she could bare the pain in her chest.  He has spoilt everything.  What was he thinking kissing me like that. How could she look at him the same after this?  She chided herself for not seeing it coming, that it was her own fault for being naive.  Nevertheless, they had always been friends nothing more. He knew that, how could he be so stupid?  What secretly bothered her most was that he had overpowered her and for a moment she had been powerless. 

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