[2] 2nd truth

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You know how there's this wonderful feeling of everything going your way? Well, it usually don't last long so my tips would be to enjoy it while you can and prepare yourself for a shit storm that will eventually come and smack you in the face.

Things could never have been better in my life. Ryan, Olivia and me were practically inseparable by now. My parents were embracing new views and doing everything they could to learn and be respectful. They were still a bit squeamish about it but it had only been a few months since I told them so I didn't blame them. They were trying, that was all that mattered.

My secret didn't feel like it was a secret anymore. The people who mattered the most to me knew, no one else needed to.

Turns out life has a twisted way of showing you that life can never be too happy for long.

A party would brutally prove that point to me.


"So are we gonna go to Kirsten's party tomorrow?" Olivia asked as she absentmindedly zapped through channels. All three of us were lying lazily on the couch, relaxing after having spent several hours writing an essay that was due Monday next week.

"I'm not sure. I don't think they've ever liked me." I replied with a yawn. Talk about being lazy.

"Come ooon, it's gonna be fun! Please?" She begged as she gave me her best puppy eyes.

"She's not gonna stop until you say yes." I rolled my eyes at the both of them. Oh well, what harm could there be in attending one party?


Instant regret.

I had never been an extrovert and at this party I was being more like a wallflower, caring more about Kirsten's cat than I did mingling with other people. I would have rather stayed home and have a movie night with Olivia and Ryan. Why did I ever let myself be persuaded to do this? Oh, right. I was crushing hard on Olivia and it was hard to say no to her.

I had decided to refill my drink and see if I could find Olivia, when I saw her actually hang out with Quinn and a Kirsten in the kitchen. Maybe I could hang a bit with them. Couldn't hurt to socialize a little bit.

"Hey Olivia, did you know that Sophie's got a crush on you?" I froze. How...? I hadn't told anyone and I was pretty sure neither of my best friends had either.

"Oh god, yeah she's trying so hard to keep it a secret but every time she looks st you there's hearts in her eyes. Kinda like Quinn when she's eyeing up a boy." Kristen giggled. 

"Ugh, isn't that so weird and awkward? Knowing that some other girls wants you bad." Quinn asked, sounding genuinely shocked. My heart pounded in my chest as I eavesdropped.

This was why I didn't want anyone else to find out.

"Yeah, it is weird." Everything seemed to freeze for a few moments as I listened to Olivia's reply.


"I would be sooo creeped out too! Imagine what's going through her mind every time she sees you." Kirsten chimed in before she and Quinn giggled.

"What I find weird is that you would be creeped out by that." I had decided to take a step forward into the room when Olivia's next reply made me stop. "I'm flattered that such an amazing and wonderful girl as Sophie would fall for me and if I have to be honest I think I'm starting to fall for her as well." The glass I'd held slipped from my grasp and crashed to the ground, spilling all its content. Effectively revealing my position.

"Sophie!" Quinn squealed in embarrassment. The trio all turned around and looked at me with shocked expressions. Olivia's expression had turned into that of a mortified one.

"Hey, what's going on?" Ryan brushed through the crowd, probably to see what the commotion was all about. I swallowed before turning around.

"I need some air." It was suddenly getting difficult to breath. Not exactly where I had planned to fully come out. Now I would have to deal with the entire school on Monday and many of them weren't exactly on the friendliest terms with lgbtq. Not only that but Olivia had admitted to possibly falling in love with me.

It was something I hadn't dared hope for. I was content on her just knowing and accepting it, without shunning me for it. Maybe it was just something she had said in the spur of the moment, to defend me.

"Hey! Hey! Sophie!" Ryan called and pulled me to a stop as we got outside.

"What was all that about?"

"That was me coming out to the entire school. Apparently it was the worst kept secret." Tears stung in my eyes. They hadn't really said anything hurtful towards me as a person but knowing that they thought it was weird for me to crush on Olivia was a blow to my confidence. And it wasn't just them. I read it online, newspaper and on tv. It was impossible to evade.

"Everywhere I look people keep telling me that I'm weird for loving another girl. That it's unnatural and shouldn't be allowed. Why is it so damn hard to accept?!" I cried, not caring that my tears were spilling over.

"Sophie..." I turned to see that Olivia had joined us as well. Luckily the rest was still inside too preoccupied with the party to care about our little drama.

"I know I shouldn't care about everyone else's opinions, but it's just so difficult to ignore. This is still fairly new to me, and it gets to me." I continued on.

"I know it does but that's why you have us there. Whenever things get too much, you come to us and you vent out all your frustrations. We'll be there to listen and support you no matter what." Ryan replied.

"And I'm sorry. It was basically me outing you to the entire school just now. I just got so furious at the way they were speaking of you." Olivia timidly added.

"So that was basically just to defend me? You didn't mean it?" I could feel my heart sink a little bit at the information. There had been a tiny flicker of hope but it had been foolish of me to think like that.

"I didn't say that." I froze.


"I meant what I said in there." She replied, determination strong in her voice.

"I really do think I'm falling in love with you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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