[3] 3rd Lie

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Everything had been fine as Ryan drove home. We had been chatting non-stop. Mostly about upcoming tests and the movie we were gonna watch. It was apparently a really good action movie. It wasn't usually my type of movie but Ryan swore I would love it so I decided to at least give it a try.

The lump in my throat was still there and it wouldn't go away no matter how distracted I was. Somehow all I wanted to do was go home, go to bed and cry myself to sleep. Hopefully I could hold back the tears until I was home. Though I wasn't that lucky.

"Man, Olivia is so lucky to have date. James seems like a great guy for her, don't you think?" Ryan said as he came back from popping a bag of popcorn. I couldn't find my voice to answer. No words would come out.

"Sophie...? What's the matter? Did I say something to make you cry?" I had tried to hold the tears back. I really had. But it seemed they wanted out and there was nothing I could do to stop them.

"No, I just... I- I can't do this." My voice trembled and even more tears spilled over. I tried to wipe them away. If there was one thing I didn't like them it was crying in front of someone, even if that someone was my best friend. Ryan put down the popcorn and hurried over to my side.

"Hey now, it's alright." He soothed in a calming voice and put a reassuring hand on my back.

"No, it's not. It really isn't." I managed to say between my sobs. The emotions I'd tried to keep quiet, all came bursting forth with vengeance. Ryan simply pulled me into a big hug. I let my head rest on his shoulder and cried my heart out.

I had no idea how much time passed before the tears stopped streaming down my cheeks. Ryan had been quiet the entire time, except for his hand that stroked her back.

"Feel any better?" He murmured. I took a deep breath before answering. Somehow I felt much lighter after crying.


"Do you wanna talk about what's going on?  I get the feeling there is more behind this than just the pressure of school." Maybe telling Ryan would help lift this weight off my shoulders.

"I-I think I'm in love with Olivia." I murmured quietly, almost not daring to say it out loud. I looked down and braced myself for his reaction. Terrified that he would be disgusted by me and make fun of me.

"Why do you look so ashamed by it?" He asked after a few moments of silence. My head snapped up at his question. His expression was completely neutral. No sign of disgust anywhere. I searched my brain looking for an answer to his question but came up empty.

"I- I'm not sure. It's just so new and I never imagined I'd fall for a girl after everything my parents have taught me growing up. They think it's a sin."

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. If anything you should be proud. Love is love. It's definitely not a sin."

"So you're not disgusted by me?" Ryan gave me a look that told me that could never happen.

"Of course not. The only time you could make me disgusted is if you eat a bug or something like that." I chuckled weakly at his attempt at humor.

"I know that this takes a lot of courage for you and I can't tell you how happy I am that you trust me enough to tell me this." He continued and I felt new tears well up in my eyes. Though these were not sad ones. It was simply because his words meant so incredibly much to me.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much I've battled with my feelings. I've been so scared." I threw my arms around him in a tight hug. Suddenly all my worries had seemed pointless, at least for now. Ryan let out a laugh and squeezed me back.

"I would probably have been just like you if it had been me in your shoes." He said as we pulled back from the hug.

"I think the fact that has been scaring me the most is my family finding out about this. They'll throw me out. My mom even said how she almost felt physically ill by seeing two men kissing once. " I felt panic start to grip at my heart again. I couldn't possibly tell them. Ryan gave me warm smile.

"I'm not gonna tell a soul about this. My lips are locked. But just know this. I'm here for you if you need to talk, vent or cry. That goes for everything. I'll listen and maybe try to give some helpful advice."

"What did I ever do to deserve such a good best friend like you?" I smiled and wiped a stray tear that had somehow escaped.

"By being such a kind and caring friend." He replied and I giggled. I felt so much lighter. Perhaps that was what I really needed to do. Talk with someone close to me. Just get it out.

"Now, how about we put on this movie and just have a good time?" I nodded my head in agreement. That sounded like a perfect plan. Ryan had just put the disc in the Blu-Ray player when the doorbell rang.

"I'll be back in a sec." He excused himself and walked out to the hallway. I gently rubbed my eyes. They were probably red and puffy after all that crying I had done.

"Olivia?" I suddenly heard Ryan say after he opened the door. My eyes widened in shock. Didn't she have a date. I looked at my clock. The movie was supposed to start an hour ago. "No, no by all means. Come on in." Ryan continued and I heard a muffled voice say something else I didn't catch.

Moments later both Olivia and Ryan entered the living room. She had definitely listened to my fashion advice as she wore her white sundress and denim jacket. She really looked gorgeous in it with her blonde hair falling in curls around her shoulders.

Olivia's eyes widened when she saw me and turned to Ryan with a harsh glare. "Did you do something to make her cry?" She demanded almost angrily.

"No! We were just watching a sad movie and I started crying." I quickly said in Ryan's defense. Olivia relaxed and smiled again.

"Good. Because I won't stand for anyone making my best friend cry." She said and plopped down beside me.

"But what about you Olivia? Weren't you supposed to be on a date right about now?" She grimaced at my question.

"He stood me up. Went out with Stacy instead." She grumbled and grabbed a handful of the popcorn that Ryan had moved to the table in front of us. "Maybe I should have seen it coming with the way he was ogling Stacy."

"Didn't think James was an asshole like that. Thought you two would be great together. Shows what I know." Ryan commented and sat down beside Olivia.

"I'll give him a piece of my mind next week when I have class with him again. I can't believe I waited over an hour for that jackass and then Stacy sent a snap of the two of them at a another movie."

Yikes, that really sucked.

Still, I felt kinda relieved that there was no date. I think even the smallest of smiles appeared on my lips.

Oh, who was I kidding?

I didn't just think I was in love with Olivia.

I was in love with her.

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