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Hey guys,

So today I'm going to be talking about us, yes, you and me, humans in general really, anyway...

Here we go, this information I actually got from a fellow wattpader....ya.



Chapter: Humans

You grow approximately 8mm (0.3 inches) every night when you are asleep, but shrink to your former heiht the following day.

Did you know that your eyes are the same size from birth, but your nose and ears never stop growing

Did you know that the reason why your eyes are probably hurting is because it moves about 100,000 times a day.

Honestly, if you eat to many carrots, you'd turn orange...

Did you know that by age 60, you have lost half of your taste buds.

A normal person laughs about 13 times a day.

An averge person moves 25.4 times while they are sleeping.

It takes 14 muslces to smile and 43 to frown.

The heaviest human brain ever recorded weighed 5 lb.....Can you guess whos? Einsteins!!!

An averge human produces 1.43 pints od sweat every day.

In the averge humans lifetimes, a person will walk the equivelent of 5 times around the equator.

12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents.

A man named Charles Osbourne had the hiccups for 6 years.

A sneeze travels out your mouth at over 100 mph

Babies are born without knee caps, they come at the age of 2-6 years.

If you pooped consistently for 6 years and 9 months your would create enough energy of the equivelent of an atomic bomb.

Right handed people live on averge nine years longer then left handed people.

Woman blink nearly twice as much as men.

--- Try to hum whilst you pinch your nose----

---- if yout touch your tounge while your yawning, it wil stop----------

Guys yawn longer than girls, it's also contagious, if someone in a group yawns, half the group will respond with a yawn 5 minutes later or at least be tempted to yawn. Even animals can be contagious to these yawns.

Girls have a better taste than boys.

All the ants in the world are the same weight as all the humans in the world.

Kissing for a minute can burn up to 2.6 calories.

Only 2% of the worlds people have red hair!

The only place you cannot tickle your self is the roof of your mouth.

When you look at the color blue, it releases calming hormones from the brain.

Sneezing causes your brain cells to die.

If your heart was in an open space, it can spurt blood out uo to 30 feet.!!!


Hi people of Wattpad, I only have a few more chapters before I have to start writing again, but I can't do this unless I get as much support as possible.... Becasue yes, I do get tons of reads, but no one is commenting or voting, so I have exactly 2 more chapters I will upload, and then after that I'll see what all my readers say, if they want me to finish it, or continue with a bunch of random facts....

Thanks so much! I do appreciate the support I'm getting now,

So I don't want you guys to think Im being selfish or am being greedy, I just want to know if you like the book or not...

Thanks so much!

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