Sleep did shit.

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The car ride back home sucked. I kept looking back in the rear view mirror at the raven haired boy. God he was just so...UNF! I swerved on the road every now and then cause my mind and eyes were not on the road like the should be. I forced myself to do so after the third swerve. Telling them that I was just tired for being up so early. They all said the same and that they should try and get some sleep when they got home. Maybe I was just tired and I really wasn't that infatuated with Zayn. I hope sleep would help me clear my head as we pulled up to my house.

Sleep did shit.

I still felt my mouth get dry and drool at the same time. Someone please tell me how the fuck that worked? "Your house is nice, Liam" Zayn said walked out of his room, shirtless mind you. My eyes were guled to his tanned skin. Cher clearing her throat snapped me out of my thoughts.  "Oh uhmm.....thanks, mate." I smiled and caught Cher's look and let me tell you. That girl was not happy.  I was ether getting no sex or angry sex tonight but when that thought crossed my mind, mi instantly though how I wouldn't mind having sex with Zayn.

God help me.

"LIAM!" I jumped in my seat and looked at owner of the voice.

"Yeah bear?"

She said nothing but straddled my lap and pressed her lips against mine. And me being as horny as I was I kissed her back, gripping her hips tightly. I could feel eyes on us, more so Zayn's. Niall just ignored us and mumbled something about his food. It was then when it hit me what Cher was doing. She was marking her territory. That's when I picked her up and off me, putting her back on her feet.

I shook my head "Don't be like that."

As I walked out of the room when I hear Zayn saying something to her about not having to such a whore and can claim what's hers in a better way. Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought that. I passed by the living room to see Louis on the couch with his legs on Harry's lap. He gives me the most maniacal look and sings "Leeda leeda leeda lee." Harry bursted out in laughter as I looked a Lou like he was high as fuck. "No more Spongebob for you....Ever."

I turned to head back to my room when heard the two get into a giggle fit and Louis screaming "My leg!" Tonight was gonna be something.  One of Cher's girlfriend was having a house party and told us all to come. Plus Niall had a thing for the girl, Demi was her name, and he just wanted to kiss her. I thought there to be more to it then just kissing, but then again it was Niall. He was like a innocent little bunny.

It hit 7 o'clock fast and we all started to get dressed. I picked a light blue dress shirt, a black vest, jeans and my boots. I'm not really big into my looks. I mean, I think I'm an attractive guy. I'm strong, built, had a few tattoos.  Most of them were hidden really, you saw the four on my arms.  On my left forearm was "Everything i ever wanted but nothing I'll ever need". On my right were 4 arrows on my forearm, my wrist had "Only time will tell", and my inner forearm had a feather for my grandmother with the words "I figured it out...." and my name written in Egyptian hieroglyphs. I was I little drunk when I got the last one, but whatever. No one knew what I said, it kept them guessing. Anyway, I have more but thats for me to know and you to never find out.

Sorry for my tattoo rant, I'm addicted and they are sexy as fuck. I failed to say Zayn was coved in them, right? Well he is. He has alot amd I wanna....never mind.

I was the first one ready and waited in the living room scanning through my twitter feed.  A heavy sigh escaped me. "Uhg. Why didn't eveyone have to take a million days to get ready."

"I know, rignt?" Said a sexy voice with Bradford accent.

"You started getting before everyone else, mate. You clearly you take the longest. " I said making Zayn chuckle.  His laugh was like velvet.  Uhg! It killed me.  I chewed on my bottom lip watched him.

Alive(Ziam/Larry)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon