I like rocking chair chapter 5: when i'm done drinking the lemonade

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As soon as I was done drinking my lemonade I looked up to thank the lemonade guy. But the guy wasn't a human..... It was tinkie winkie! "Hello can I have my chair back" said tinkie winkie. I grabbed the rocking chair and SMASHED IT OVER TINKIE WINKIE'S HEAD. "Sorry beautiful blue rocking chair" I said with sorrow. I booked it out of the desert to look for the burger shop. Because I was really hungry. I heard a screaming noise and then ran faster. Boom!!!! I looked behind me and saw to what I thought was a nuclear explosion. The sand and dust hit my back and I fell to the ground. Everything went black...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2012 ⏰

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