I like rocking chair 4: getting the MANGO!!!

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    Actually this chapter isn't about getting a mango(sadly). Back to the story. With the whole house to myself and tinkie winkie trying to get into the house. But the house was pretty secured so I wasn't worried. I looked around for the rocking chair but nothing. I dashed into what I thought was his room. There were unicorns everywhere!! I coudln't beleive it. I got to keep focused i thought and I finally found the chair. All I needed to do is get it back to my house. I phoned dora once again and thankfully she was coming."Bang, Bang'. It sounded like a gun shooting. I looked out the window and saw a horrifying sight. DORA WAS DEAD AND THERE WAS BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!!! I guess I never thought of telling dora that there was a blue tela tubbie with a rifle in his hands. I packed out the chair onto the back porch without the tela tubie knowing. I ran and ran until I hit a desert. I never new that lollipop town had a desert. I was so tired and stopped at a lemonade stand. I drank the lemonade VERY SLOWLY.......

I like rocking chair chapter 1: buying the rocking chair.Where stories live. Discover now