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Tyler's Pov:

As I walked into school everyone stared.I realized... It was Josh standing in the middle of the hall. Josh was supposedly the hottest guy in school. I don't know what people saw in him... his blue hair, mocha eyes, white tank top, red eyeliner, I just didn't see it. All the girls clung to him and the boys were always asking him to join the football team.

Then there was me. A boy with brown messy hair, brown eyes, tattoos, and scars all over his body. I was nothing.

As I grabbed my books Ryan came up behind me... he said: "Hey Tyler, wanna play a game?" I replied with a soft voice "N-no thanks, I'm already late to class.." Then I knew I said the wrong thing. As I felt the cold metal against my back, my books fell to the floor and I sat there in silence. He laughed, everyone saw, and then I looked up to see a boy with bright blue hair.  His mocha brown eyes stared down at me and his c-major lips frowned. He looked around to see everyone staring and walked away.

: Lunch period:

After 3 hours of thinking, looking at my scars, and thinking about Josh I walked to the cafeteria. I sat in the corner, plugged my headphones in, and tried not to cry.  Even the thought of food sickened me. I can't eat, can't sleep, goddamnit I can't even take care of myself.  I pulled out my journal and started to write. Then a soft voice said "Hey. You okay?"  It was Josh. I didn't hear him so I kept writing. Then I felt a hand on my arm, he was sitting next to me. I looked up to see the boy staring at me. His blue hair, mocha eyes, c-major lips, everything was perfect about him. He stared down at my notebook. I quickly pulled away and frowned. "I'm sorry about earlier. Ryan can be a real dick." I looked up with tears in my eyes. I could tell that Josh knew I was afraid.. did he really want to help me... or did he just do this to tease me?

The bell rang as I walked to physics. God, I hated physics. Ryan and his jocks were there. They just sat there and mocked me. Pretending to slit their wrists, calling me names, throwing things. I was so sick of it.
I rose my hand... "Yes, Mr. Joseph?"
"Um.. c-can I go t-to the bathroom?"

As I ran to the bathroom I saw Josh in the corner of my eye blurred with tears. He seemed to be following me but I couldn't tell.
As I ran into the stall, I pulled out the blade hidden in my pocket and sliced my wrist. I sliced once-twice- and multiple times after that. Coming to the last one, I was completely numb. I sat on the floor to take the last slash.

*I saw the blood trickle down my arms. The door opened, but by the time he found me I was already blacked out. *

I woke up in the nurse's office. I heard a voice, "Josh. Please take a seat and help Tyler explain what happened."

She asked several questions... then I heard Josh tell her that he carried me here and stayed next to me, holding my hand until I woke up. A tear ran down my face as he put his arm around me. The nurse went to call my dad as I yelled out "NO. Please don't call my dad. He'll kill me." The nurse gave me a confused look and dialed my mom. My mom handled this WAY better than my dad would.

The nurse went outside to talk with my mom and Josh sat next to me. He looked at me and gave me a concerned look. "Tyler, why? Why didn't you tell me you needed help?" I frowned and stared at the floor. He wrapped his arms around me. I jumped as if no one's ever held me like that before. Then I calmed down and snuggled into his arms. He told me everything would be alright. That he would be there for me when I needed him. I cried into his shoulder as he gave me a warm smile. We lay down and talked. Then his c-major lips kissed my forehead and formed a small smile. I knew then, he knew I needed him.

: Home:

As I went inside, I was greeted by my dad. He frowned and gave me a sly look. I could tell he drank tonight. He was enhanced with whiskey and his breathing was heavy. I knew what would happen next and began to accept it.

Fading Into The Darkness // JoshlerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt