2. Already Tellin' Lies?

Start from the beginning


I walked in to my apartment after saying goodbye to Rebecca and Danny. I closed the door and leaned against it for a minute. I looked around. The place wasn't big, but it was fine for me because that was the good thing; it was just me. I don't know what happened to my mom or dad or if I had any siblings or relatives. I closed my eyes, remembering the first memory of this place.

I woke up feeling awfully sick with a pounding headache. I could feel pressure on my back, knowing I was probably lying down somewhere. Behind my closed eyelids, a face showed up. It was a boy. He was tall and muscular, with short-cropped sandy hair and a friendly smile. The only think unsettling about him was the nasty white scar starting at his right eye and ended at his jaw. Suddenly, my brain caught one word. Luke.

My eyes snapped wide open and I bolted upright. I looked around the unfamiliar surroundings. In fact, everything seemed unfamiliar. I tried to remember what I was doing here, but I couldn't remember anything. I tried thinking of the boy, Luke. Who is he and where is he now? I felt a strong connection towards him. Like I need to find him and that will make me remember everything; like he's the key. My headache grew the more I thought of him, so I instantly stopped.

"Don't try to remember anything." I looked up and saw a blue haired boy and piercing blue eyes. He was lean and muscular, probably taller than me. He had on a black button up shirt and black jeans, and he was barefoot,"It'll give you a headache, but if you do remember anything. Tell me, ok?"

I eyebrows furrowed,"And you are?"


Ever since, he's been with me. He's like my mentor, but I've never told him about Luke. It was like my own secret. Besides, I've always had this urge to not trust him. Like someone was yelling at me to keep away, but I just couldn't. I walked deeper in the house and found my room. I threw my backpack onto the floor by my door and opened my closet. I grabbed some pajamas, but a voice stopped me from making any further movement.

"I wouldn't change into pajamas just yet." A familiar voice said.

"And why's that?" I said turning to face Galen.

"Because we're going somewhere, so change into something actually good, will you?" He laughed and ran out the room once I threw my pajamas, which were in my hand at the time, at him.

"Jerk!" I said in reply to his insult. I sighed and changed into a purple T-Shirt with a black leather jacket over it. I slipped into some black jeans and converse. I glanced at the sunglasses, unsure. Then I shrugged and put them on my head. I mean, what's the worst that could happen,"So, where exactly are we going?" I asked, walking into the kitchen.

"To Manhattan." He said.

My eyes widened,"Manhattan? You're ridiculous."

"No, I'm not, so if we're going to go from Atlanta to Manhattan, we better get going." He replied, placing a plate of pasta in front of me,"Eat up."

I shook my head,"What about school? My friends? Why are we going?"

He scoffed,"School is useless just like friends."

I felt rage building up,"Then tell me, Galen. Why in the world are we going to Manhatten?"

He sighed and looked me in the eye,"Because, Percy, there's this camp there that can help you get your memories back. Isn't that what you've always wanted? To remember everything?"

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