I headed to History, sadly as always I was bored in this class. But I made sure to pay attention....well try to. Once the bell rung I quickly packed up and headed out the building. I grinned as the cold air hit my face. Fresh air and school are over for this week. I mean don't get me wrong, I've only been at the school for seven days and it's not bad but man is it good to be leaving school on a Friday. And that's when reality hit me.

Dad said he wanted to talk to mom today I believe. I glanced over at where dad usually comes driving over and huffed. I can't believe I forgot. I noticed a familiar fawn colored blonde hair and walked over.

"Hey, Farley," I said and he flinched slamming the book into his hands closed. "O-Oh sorry if I disturbed you," I said frowning slightly as he looked up.

"Oh no you didn't." he chuckled standing up and tucked the book under his arm. "Just kinda startled me that's all," he said shrugging and I nodded. "Aren't you heading home?" he asked glancing over somewhere before looking back at me.

"Oh um well...I don't really know what to do since my dad is actually going to be busy today." I said and he nodded.

"Well I was waiting until everyone left," he said nodding his head over to the buses and cars that drove in and I looked back at him as he grinned. "I rather walk across the street feeling safe and not feel like I could be hit or ran over at any moment," he said and I laughed that soon became awkward.

That wasn't funny....was it. I mean he had a good reason. Anyone would be scared that would happen but I guess most don't think about it. Sometimes I do but not that often.

"That's smart." I finally said and he snorted rolling his eyes smiling with dimples.

I wanted to poke them. My face heated up. Okay, that's just weird Oakely.

"It's stupid but glad you think so. So thanks," he said grinning and I smiled.

"No problem, sooo I'll just wait here with you," I said sitting down on the grass and he quirked an eyebrow looking down at me.

"You could walk home, I'll be fine," he said and I waved my hand.

"I honestly can't go home. My dad is doing something." I said and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh, um okay," he said and an awkward silence filled the air.

I huffed to myself. Why couldn't I keep a simple casual conversation going? My social skills suck. I mumbled to myself and decided to just go on my phone. Farley leaned against the tree looking at the buses as I went on Feather book smiling. Maybe Bookie was around and he could keep me company. Maybe I can even get better at my social skills with him and possibly be friends with Farley and get better at talking with Victor and Clyde.

CyberGeek: Hey?

I sent it humming. A ring and a vibration startled me so I jumped. Farley looked down and dug his hand into his pocket. Silly me, of course, it was his phone. He pulled out his phone then stepped a bit far from the tree. I looked back at my phone pouting.

Maybe Bookie was busy. I sighed and turned my phone off. Hmm what to do, what to do? I glanced over at Farley and he was on the phone talking I think. When he came back he looked a bit upset.

"I have to go now, my dog got in trouble," he says sighing.

"Your dog?" I asked and he nodded. "Can I come with you?"

Woah, Woah Oakely. You're invading his space. And your awkward and have bad social skills. Being with him more I don't think is gonna help. But your dad is doing something with your mom. And you have to be out until eight.

Critical Thinking ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora