Chapter 14: Fightin' Words

Start from the beginning

"No," she interrupted. "I mean I don't think anybody should tell 'em. At all. What you just told me will  just give them more questions that nobody can answer."

"Hm. Didn't think about it like that...but it at least let's them know their brothers aren't in jail or dead or anything."

"No it doesn't. All it tells 'em for certain is that you took 'em to the bus station."

He stared quietly at the steering wheel, processing his thoughts, then started the truck, backed out into the street, and drove toward the Priest's house. He turned down the long gravel drive and pulled right up to the screened porch but didn't kill the engine.

"You gonna go talk to 'em?" Ginny asked.

He sighed. "No, you made a good point. Guess you're right. This time."

"Don't ya just hate when that happens?"

She got out of the truck and Tommy appeared on the porch just as she shut the door. He waved to Kody when he opened the screen door and Kody nodded before driving off.

"Mighty nice of your brother to drive ya to town."

"I know, wasn't it?" she said, a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

They sat down in the two white rocking chairs on the porch to wait for the rest of the gang to arrive.

"Danny'll be out in a minute. It was his turn to wash up the dishes."

Ginny nodded. "How was church?"

He shrugged. "Hard to judge, seeing as we ain't ever been before. But it was alright, I reckon. There were snacks."


"Yeah. Father Riley was talking and next thing I knew we were eating crackers and wine."

Ginny laughed. "It's called the Lord's Supper, Tommy. They do that at my church, too, every now and then."



"Dang. I'da been going to church a long time ago if I'd known there was food involved."


"Kody, I'm telling ya, she was all over me like stink on shit!"

"How charming."

Jack had been recounting his Saturday night for the past ten minutes. Kody's attention to the tale came and went intermittently as he stood over the stove reheating the leftovers Aunt Betty had sent over, and he wasn't quite sure who "she" was this week.

They both looked up when the front door opened and Ginny walked into the kitchen. "Is that food I smell?" she asked excitedly.

"Yep. Aunt Betty sent it and it outta be just about heated up."

She slid into the chair across from Jack to wait.

"Anyway, like I was saying, we had a real good time," he said, tying up his story.

"Who?" Ginny asked.

"Me and my girl."

"Who's that?"

"Sally. Who else?"

"But I thought..."

"She just can't stay away, I reckon."

Kody snorted.

"What's so funny?" Jack snapped.

"Nothing. Pepper up my nose."

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