Chapter Two

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It took a couple minutes for everyone to calm down.

As soon as the tension finally left the air, Dylan asked to talk to Ethan and Aiden about something. Stiles was worried about that but didn’t say anything, hoping that Dylan was only going to explain something to them or apologize about something. They walked out the front door, no doubt to get away from the werewolf hearing

When the three of them were out of the house, the three people stood up from the couch and took a few steps toward Stiles.

“I’m Erica.” The blond girl said as she took an extra step towards Stiles, causing Stiles to take a step back from her. “It’s nice to meet you, Stiles.”

Stiles stumbled over his words for a few seconds. “Uh, yeah; nice to meet you too.”

She opened her mouth to say something else, but one of the other guys spoke up before she could get the words out of her mouth. “I’m Isaac and this is Boyd.”


They walked a few blocks until Dylan was sure that they were far enough away from the house that they wouldn’t be overheard by any of the others. He didn’t want to be overheard by Derek or any of the other werewolves.

It didn’t seem like they knew anything about what he was going to talk about; but then again, they were in the house last night so they most likely heard what they were talking about. Although Dylan didn’t want to believe that they listened in to the conversation, they were werewolves and if he had the senses that they had he would use them. So, why wouldn’t they?

“I am going to say this once. You hurt my brother because of one of you being Derek’s mate, and I-” Dylan started but got cut off by Aiden.

“Derek’s mate? You think one of us is Derek’s mate?” Aiden’s eyebrows were scrunched up in confusion. “He didn’t tell you the truth?”

“What truth?” Dylan looked between the two, glare on his face, as he tried to get them to answer him. Realization crossed his face as he realized what they were saying. “Are you two saying that neither of you are Derek’s mate?”

“Well, yeah. If either of us were, we’d have known as soon as Derek did.” Aiden said, looking over towards Ethan.

Ethan didn’t really look all that great. He didn’t look sick, he was a werewolf; he just looked like he got the worst information that he could ever receive.

It confused Dylan until neither of them said anything for the longest time. And when Dylan finally realized what all of this meant, he got mad. He wasn’t mad at Derek, per se, but he was mad that Stiles – of all people – was Derek’s mate. It didn’t make any sense; why did it have to be Stiles? His own brother?

Did his brother know that he was Derek’s mate? Is that why he came back? Is that why Derek didn’t want anyone to know; because Stiles was his mate but he was with Ethan?

“My brother is Derek’s mate?”


“So, how many are in your pack?” Stiles asked, turning his gaze towards Derek who was standing by the front door.

Stiles didn’t realize until just now that Derek looked vaguely familiar. He hadn’t noticed yesterday because Derek basically fled the house as soon as they were introduced and when he came back later he didn’t use the door. So, it was a little hard to notice the familiarity until that moment.

It took a couple seconds to realize that it was because Derek was the Derek from his childhood.

It felt like it was harder to breathe than a couple seconds ago. At the moment, all he could think about was his mom and how she had always gone to the Hale’s house back before she died. She went there for years before she started bringing Stiles along. He never understood, still doesn’t to this day, why she never brought Dylan along with them; but never asked because he enjoyed having the time alone with Derek.

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