Chapter One

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(So far, the rating is just a precaution in case I add anything that may need the rating, considering I have no idea how to change the rating later on. Hope you guys don't get disappointed if nothing ends up happening. Although, it most likely will) :)

Stiles hardly remembers the last time that he saw his dad and brother face to face. In fact, the only thing that he could remember about that day was that it was the second anniversary of his mother’s death and that he had been a little over ten years old. But he remembers perfectly what it was like being in that house after his mom died; it sucked. He couldn’t go through the house without being reminded of his mom and that she was no longer around. That was why he left. It was why he left in the middle of the night, being as quiet as possible because his twin brother was a light sleeper, and walked out the front door before running a couple blocks.

It hadn’t been easy at first, being on his own, the only reason why he survived was because he ran into this girl named Laura who gave him a ride “home”. He had told her that he had been kidnapped and he needed to get home before his parents got worried. He felt bad for it now, but back then he just had to leave.

It took him a while, but eventually he ran into these brothers who were his age and reminded him of his own brother – they were twins also. At first, he said that his parents were out of town and he had gone to school, locking the door, and had left the key inside when he left; his “parents” weren’t gonna be home until the next weekend. And by the time that next weekend came up, he told them that his parents weren’t coming back for him. It wasn’t until years later that he told the brothers truthfully what had really happened; they only replied with a ‘we knew you were lying’ before changing the subject.

He blocks out the panic attacks that happened back home, or he told himself that what he did. They stopped happening when he got almost a whole state away from Beacon Hills and it made it that much easier to forget about his family back home. He didn’t get in contact with his dad until the brothers knew the truth; it would have been hard to explain before. Now he had the others to look out for the adults and tell him when one of them were coming.

What made things impossible for him, was when he found out that the brothers happened to have been keeping a secret from him. He literally stumbled upon the truth, having snuck out once to crash a party that someone at school was throwing. He had decided to come home early – “no, Aiden, I wasn’t kicked out. I was just bored” – and when he walked through the front door, they were all there half wolfed out and ready to maul anyone that had contact with Stiles all night. It had taken him awhile to get used to the whole werewolves-are-real thing, and when he finally accepted it, he got his first boyfriend.

Ethan had always had some sort of crush on Stiles, that’s what Aiden says anyways, and Stiles was apparently too oblivious to recognize it. It wasn’t Stiles’ fault, he had never had any experience with things like that; they should know. But when they went out on their first date, everything became really obvious to him and he was grateful for that because it made things a whole lot easier on Stiles. Especially when he and Ethan would sneak off alone and make out or something more involving less clothing. Stiles and Ethan got together Freshman year, which gave them two years of going out, and Stiles was starting to get the hang of it.

No one outside of Ethan and Aiden’s family liked Stiles all that much, always warning Ethan that he’d turn on them and rat them out to the hunters (Stiles didn’t even know about hunters until then). But what made things worse, was the fact that the pack was always trying to get them to break up. That never made much sense to Stiles, since they were all werewolves and knew when he was lying or when he smelt of someone different; he never did either of those.

But the pack knew that Ethan would choose pack over a human any day. And that was why they resorted to their last resort.


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