{Chapter 10}

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Ladybug's POV

I secretly followed Equestria Girl so I would be able to know her real identity when she transforms back.

She walked inside a dark alley. I tried not to make a sound so she won't be able to know that I'm spying on her.

She transforms back and I was surprised to see Twilight. So Equestria Girl is Twilight Sparkle?!

"Good job, Twilight! You did a good job today!" A little pony with fairy-like wings flew around her. I guess she's her Kwami.

"Thanks Twinkle! Now let's get out of here. It's super dark and it's kinda scaring me." Twilight said. while adjusting her glasses. "I feel like someone is watching us..."

I crouched down. Please don't let Twilight see me!

"I'm pretty sure that it's just your imagination." Twinkle replied as they got out of the place.

Phew! They didn't find me! I walked out as soon as they were out of eyeshot.

Prepare yourself Twilight! For you are about to taste my revenge!

Sci-Twi's POV
~Timeskip to the next day~

It was a new, sunny morning in school when Marinette suddenly rushed towards me. I can see in her face that something bad is happening.

I wonder what's up. It's such a lovely morning for something dreadful to happen...

"Help! Help! Help!" Marinette cried out to me.

"What's the matter, Mari?" I asked.

"Our friends are in trouble!" Mari exclaimed. "We have to help them! We don't have much time." She didn't gave me time to react and pulled me out of the school building.

I gasped when I saw Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack and Sunset Shimmer are bounded together by a black rope.

I have to transform into Equestria Girl immediately. I have to help my friends!

"Let me get some help from someone, ok? I'll be back..." I said.

Marionette nodded and I rushed inside the building again. I hid in one of the empty classrooms.

I opened my bag to let my Kwami out. "Twinkle! We gotta help our friends! They're in trouble!"

"Alright. We better hurry." Twinkle said.

I nodded. "Twinkle, PONY UP!!!"

After transforming into Equestria Girl, I flew out of the school building and rushed towards my friends.

"Don't worry! I'll help you." I said to them.

"No Twi- I mean... Equestria Girl! You have to get out of here! We can manage this ourselves!" Sunset exclaimed.

"But I need to help you. It's my duty!" I argued.

"Sunset's right, darling. It's a trap!" Rarity replied.

Suddenly, a rope appeared out of nowhere and tied me up.

"Gotcha Equestria Girl! Or should I say, Twilight Sparkle." A voice said.

"WHUT?!" Rainbow Dash cried. "Twilight Sparkle?! I'm confused."

"Holy Molly! Who said that in the first place?" Applejack exclaimed.

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