Chapter 1

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Yes I do know that Phichit his homerink is not in Detroit anymore, but I wanted to keep it like that for my storyline.

W A R N I N G        SPOILERS       W A R N I N G



"Yuuri!" I jumped into my brother his arms as he walked out of his bedroom. "I've missed you" I said as I let myself lower to the ground again. "I've missed you too" said Yuuri, tears forming in his eyes. "Don't cry now! Let's be happy that you're back" I said laughing. "You've grown so much since I've seen you" he said as we walked outside, heading to the ice rink. "Bullshit" I laughed and friendly punched his shoulder. "Last time I've seen you was.." he stopped talking to think. "Two years ago. Phichit learned me some tricks for skating" I reminded him. "Ah yes, now I remember" Yuuri chuckles. "Have you been skating lately?" he raised his eyebrow and hid his hands in his pockets. I nod enthusiastic. "I have! A lot! I'm thinking about joining Celestino's team, just like you" I say a bit awkwardly, not sure what my brother would think of my idea. "That's great!" says Yuuri with a wide smile as we step inside the ice rink. "Have you discussed it with mom and dad?" he asks. "I have. They support me." "I'm glad" Yuuri smiles. "Now go and say hi to Yuuko! I'll be in the changing rooms" I say and give my brother a light push.
As I walk through the little hallway towards the changing rooms, I hear a soft sound of music coming from behind the door. The voice of a girl I don't recognize singing together with the voice out of the radio. "You think that you know my heart . And you probably do. It's why I'm always with you. I could stay with you for hours, in an empty room. Never get bored, never have nothing to do-  " I push the door open and the girl drops her phone, her leg still high on a barrier as she turns around to look at me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you!" I says and throw my bag on the ground. "It's fine" the girl laughs as she lowers her leg. "I was just stretching and warming up, I didn't expect anyone to come in." she says, a light blush spreading across her cheeks and nose. She pushes her glasses further up her nose and awkwardly smiles at me. "I haven't seen you here before" I think out loud. "Oh I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself" she holds her hand out and I shake it politely. "I'm Lisa Nishigori. I'm the cousin of Takeshi." "I'm Julie, Julie Katsuki." "Ah you're family of Yuuri! I came with him from Detroit!" she says happily. "Really? I have signed up for Celestino's team" I say, happy that I already knows someone. 


"Really?" I ask exited. "Yes! You'll be seeing Yuuri's younger sister again next season" Lisa laughs. She currently stays at Yuuri's parents their house, laying in her bed and face-timing with me. We've been friends for a long time. I met her even before Yuuri. She used to stay over at my room a lot, sleeping in the empty bed that later became Yuuri's, as we talked all night about everything that came in mind. "That's amazing! How does she look now? Has she changed much?" I let one of my hamster walk off my hand back into his cage. "She's not taller than me" Lisa says. "Great! That means that she's shorter than me" I say more to myself than to Lisa. Lisa giggles and yawns. "You should go to sleep. I'll be off to training anyways". "I don't want to leave you" whines Lisa. "You'll be only gone for two weeks, we'll see each other after." Lisa bites her lip and looks the other way. I sigh. "I know you're thinking about changing coaches" I say not as happy. "Does Celestino know too?" Lisa asks, petting the fluffy cat that walks past the screen and lays down on her stomach. I shake my head. "I've just noticed." he says. "I'm not sure yet. Only thinking about it. It won't be easy, moving and all. Besides, I don't even know if I will get any good out of it." she admits. "Then stay" I say as I walk out of my room, swinging my bag over my shoulder. Lisa hides her face in her hands. "Please don't make me feel bad about it. I'm only thinking." "You've got two weeks to decide, the new season will start not long after and you need to train." I warn her with a grin. Lisa nods and yawns again. "Goodnight" I say laughing.
" 'Night, have fun with training." says Lisa before I click the call away. I jump high in the air, realizing that Julie will join us soon.

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