I Should Stop Eating.

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This title is true, but irrelevant.

I just ate 12 Pizza Bites like a fat little shit. I mean, it's not like I'm actually fat. I only weigh 125-ish.

And I'm tall. Like, 5'6 5'7 ish? So yeah. Either way. I eat too much.

That's not why I'm here though. I wanted to talk about people who are annoying little shits.

So there's this dumb kid at my new table in Geometry. His name is Ian and he is the biggest piece of shite in existence.

So, we were talking about gay and stuff and he got all homophobic and Christian on me and I was like, "god damn."

So he had said "fuck" and I was just messing around when I said, "You sinner. Cursing is a sinnnn." and he got all defensive.

He was like, "I hate people who act like they never sin because in the Bible it says everyone sins." And I'm just like "bruh."

I probably know more about the fucking bible than his bitch ass. I grew up in the church bitch. And now I'm an atheist who probably knows more about the Bible than most "Christians" as they claim to be.

I'm ranting, but I don't care.

Why do people have to be such big cunt bags???

Hehe~ I love you guys. Why are you still here tbh? I am so awful. XD

I LOVE YOU MY LAMPS. (Is this seriously a thing now?)

Oh, and if this offended anyone, sorry, but I honestly don't want any hate comments, like I'm expecting for this chapter just cause of my mention of religion, so all hate comments will be taken down (for this chapter only, I generally don't care.)


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