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I'm back!
So, now it's time for the Pansexual part!
So, being pansexual has similar cons to it as gender fluid. Like the not many people knowing about it part. Now, a lot more people know of pansexual than gender fluid, so the whole "what is that?" Only comes up ever so often.
Now! Some people are total jerkos and are like, "That's nasty." But I don't agree.
A lot of people call pansexuals, "sluts" because they don't care about sexual orientation. Though in reality, that would make everyone a slut. Think about it. If you only like someone for looks, then you will never have a committed relationship.
Just because we don't care for sexual orientation doesn't mean that we don't care what their personality is like. For example: if you're transgender and I am interested in you, that doesn't mean I like you for looks.  That just means I like your personality. Get it?
Another thing is the judgmental world that we live in today. I live in the country, where I have to deal with a LOT of homophobic people. You see, there are some people who just hate gays in general, and others who don't mind them as long as they know what it is.
For example: Someone thought I was weird for being Pansexual, but they thought being bisexual was compleatly normal.
That's only because they understand bisexual but not pansexual.
I prefer people who are homophobic to all than people who are homophobic to a select group. A lot of guys don't mind lesbians, because that just means two girls being together. But then they don't like gays because they think that because a guy is gay then he his going to try to fuck everything that breaths.
My grandmother, who is a bitch (excuse my language), got all angry the other day because I said something about gays. But she just hates it because she doesn't understand it and has never experienced it for herself.
A nice pro to being pansexual is that you don't have to worry about a sexual orientation. If you meet someone and like them, you don't have to worry if they're trans, bi, gay, lesbian, whatever. If you like someone, you like someone.
Of course, that doesn't mean that I'm going to see someone on the side of the street and want to date them just because I don't have to worry about that stuff. That simply means that I can like someone and not give a care what they identify as, which is pretty great in my opinion.

That's all for now, thanks for reading!
Comment questions, concerns, or anything you want. No hate though, hate is bad. :D
Vote too! (The little star. :3) it makes me feel warm inside.
Love you guyyys.

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