Chapter 21

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Harry stands Jackie on her feet beside the bed, he then reaches for the top button of the blouse she's wearing while she does the same with his. It doesn't take long for them both to have each other undressed, Harry picks Jackie up and places her in the center of the bed, he then crawls in beside her. Jackie reaches up, tangles the fingers of one hand in Harry's hair, placing the other hand on his waist as he crawls between her thighs, she then pulls his head down so she can kiss him like she's been wanting to since they've walked into the cabin.
When Harry pulls away to catch his breath, he just stares down at his beautiful wife. He didn't even realize he was crying until a tear dripped onto her cheek.

"Why are you crying?" Jackie asks in a whisper as she catches the next tear on the pad of her thumb.

Harry just shakes his head. "I just love you so much. You know when I saw you walk into Liam's house with Gem, I thought then you were the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I didn't even know who you were yet, you've changed so much from the little tomboy, best friend with pigtails that was always glued to my side, or was I glued to yours." Harry smiles. "I swear when my sister told us what your name was, my heart stopped, and I forgot how to breath. The only thought in my head was, there is no way in hell this is my Jack." Harry whispers as he leans down and kisses her neck, then shoulder then started working his way down as he kept talking. "Then I saw the tears in those unique blue eyes of yours, and I remembered back to the first day I met you. It was those eyes that got me, drew me in, wouldn't let me walk away." Harry whispers as he kisses Jackie's thighs, spreading them apart more. "I think I've always loved you, but that night, I fell so hard I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't felt the same way." Harry says as he finally licks along her slit, paying special attention to her clit, causing Jackie to gasp and raise her hips slightly.

Jackie let's Harry continue what he's doing for a while, truthfully it felt to good to stop him, but when she felt herself getting close to losing it she grabs him by the hair, pulling him up. She then surprises him by flipping them over so she's on top. Straddling Harry's waist, Jackie leans forward and kisses his neck, following the same path on him he took on her. "You know, when I was on that ferry, saw this island in the distance, my hands started shaking, and I didn't even realize I was crying until Gem spoke to me. When we realized who each other were and she told me about Liam's party, that you were going to be there, I didn't care how tired I was." Jackie says as she kisses her way down Harry's body, paying close attention to each tattoo he's added over the years. "I just knew I had to see you as soon as possible, I couldn't wait until the next day. When I saw you standing in that room, surrounded by all our old friends, just like old times, fast forward twenty years, I thought I was going to pass out. If it hadn't been for Gem's hand on my arm pulling me toward you, I don't think I would have remembered how to walk." Jackie says as her small hands strokes Harry hard on, she then quickly licks the pre-cum leaking from the head. "I knew then I never wanted you out of my sight again, that's were the tears came from. I was afraid you would want to be friends again, and I wanted so much more." Jackie says as she wraps her lips around Harry's cock, taking in as much as she could, causing him to let out the sexiest moan ever heard.

When Harry felt himself getting close he reaches down, picks his wife up, places her in his lap. Jackie raises up on her knees slightly, guides Harry's hard cock to her dripping slit and eases herself down on him so slow she could hear Harry grinding his teeth, and hissing, when she is finally seated she raises back just as slow.
"Fuck me." Harry mutters. "Are you trying to kill me?"

Jackie kisses him. "Of course not, I don't want to be a widow yet." She says as she continues to tease him.

Harry lays there, watching his beautiful wife, letting her do what she wanted, for now, wishing the whole time he had a camera. He would love to capture her looking like this forever, but she is driving him crazy. Reaching up, Harry places his hands on her hips and he flips them over so quickly Jackie squeals, then gasps and moans. Pulling her closer to him, he whispers. "Not that I didn't enjoy that, but babe, I want you so bad right now I could explode. In fact I'm about to." He says as he starts moving at a faster pace than she had set.

"Oh, I was wondering how long it would take for you to take over." Jackie moans as she feels that familiar tightening feeling in her gut.

Harry could feel Jackie's vaginal walls tightening around him, so he knew she was close. "Babe, look at me. Open those amazing eyes, let me see you." Harry says.

Jackie blinks her eyes open, looking right into Harry's beautiful green eyes just as her orgasim hits. Her eyes pop open wide, her nails dig into Harry's shoulders. As soon as her back starts to arch off the bed Harry wraps his arms around her and has his own orgasim. Pulling her into his arms, hugging her to him, Harry could feel her shaking and breathing hard, but not only that, he could feel the slight bump in her belly where their babies rested. Dropping his head onto Jackie's shoulder, Harry takes a deep breath.

"Are you crying again?" Jackie whispers as she runs her fingers through Harry's hair.

"Maybe." Harry whispers back as he raises his head blinking.

"Why?" She asks.

"I just realized I won't be able to hold you this close much longer." Harry says as he places his large hand on her small baby bump.

"True, but once they're born, and I heal, just think of all the full we can have making up for lost time." Jackie says.

"If we find time between feedings, diaper changes and loss of sleep." Harry chuckles as he lays Jackie down on the bed kissing her.

"We'll find time I'm sure." Jackie yawns. "I love you."

"I love you too." Harry says back as the both drift off to sleep.

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