Chapter 1

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Jackie pulls up to the loading docks, parks her truck to wait her turn to pull onto the ferry. The one thing she loves about her home town, Paradise, NY. (Made up) is the seclusion from what they've always called the "main land". It's not like they don't have crime on their small island, they do, it's like anywhere else, there's alway a few bad apples. Jackie just hopes the town hasn't changed to much, and she hopes Harry is still there, she knows why he never showed up that day so many years ago to tell her goodbye. Hell she'd have done the same thing if it had been him leaving, she forgave him for that long ago. What she hasn't forgiven is herself, for not getting in touch with him, hopefully, with this move, he'll forgive her and they can become friends again.
Pulling forward, Jackie parks her truck onto the ferry, shutting the engine off, she opens the door and gets out. Walking to the closest railing, Jackie leans on it as she watches the island inch closer. She has missed this place so much she didn't even realize she had tears on her cheeks, and her hand were shaking until the girl next to spoke up.

"You nervous or excited?" The girl asks.

Jackie turns and looks at the girl. "Both I guess." Jackie replies.

"You don't need to be. The town you're going to is the best place in the world." The girl says with a smile.

"I know, I used to live here." Jackie says. "It was years ago, but I've never forgotten this place or the people I left behind." She whispers.

"Wait, you used to live here? When?" The girl asks turning so she could get a better look at Jackie.

"A long time ago. I moved from here when I was six." Jackie says, wiping away her tears.

"Oh my God." Gemma whispers. "You're home." She cries as she pulls a shocked Jackie into a bone crushing hug. "Jackie, it's me Gemma, Harry's older sister." Gemma says as she pulls away slightly.

Jackie's jaw drops slightly. "Oh my God, Gem." She whispers, throwing her arms around the older girl. "Please tell me Harry still lives here, if he doesn't then I'm jumping overboard." Jackie cries.

"Of course he's still here. He's always said he'll never leave in case you come home, how else will you be able to find him." Gemma laughs. "Wait, are you here to visit or to stay?"

"I'm here to stay. I'm opening up my own law office here." Jackie tells Gemma.

"So you and Harry both did what you always said you'd do as kids." Gemma smiles. "He's the town sheriff now. Look, I'm visiting to go to Liam's house warming party. He and his fiance moved in together and my husband couldn't come with me, why don't you be my date tonight? Surprise everyone, please?" Gemma asks.

"Oh, I don't know. Are you sure?" Jackie asks.

"Are you kidding? Harry will be over the moon knowing you're home." Gemma says, hugging Jackie to her again.

"Okay, I'll do it. I'm moving into the apartment over the law office." Jackie says handing Gemma her phone. "Just let me know where and when and I'll meet you there." She says as she types her phone number into Gemma's phone and hands it back.
Once the ferry docked she and Gemma went their separate ways, Gemma to her mom's with a huge grin on her face, and Jackie to her new place so she could start unpacking and start getting ready for this party tonight. She just hoped her reunion with Harry goes as well as it did with his sister.

"About time you got here." Liam says as Harry walks in. "I was about to call the cops and send out a search party for you." He jokes.

"Haha." Harry says. "I'm not the only one missing, Gem isn't here yet."

Louis is about to respond to that when he sees Gemma walk in with a beautiful girl by her side, nudging Harry, he nods in her direction. When Harry turns and sees the girl with his sister, his jaw about drops. She has to be, not only the tiniest, but also the most gorgeous, person he's ever seen. Her head only hit Gemma at her chin meaning on him she would come about mid-chest, her hair is curly, hanging to her knees, and the honey blonde color made the light blue in her eyes pop.

"Who the hell is she?" Louis asks in awe, causing his girlfriend to elbow him.

"Beats me. Never met this friend before." Harry says, never taking his eye off her.

"You ready for this?" Gemma asks Jackie as she looks around the room for her brother.

"No." Jackie chokes out.

"Well get ready, there's Harry and the others." Gemma says with a wicked grin. "Show time."

"You're enjoying this way to much." Jackie sighs.

"Liam, Dani, congratulations to you both." Gemma says, giving the couple a hug, she then hugs Harry, Niall and Louis. "Hello baby brother."

"Hey, Gem." Harry says, hugging her back.

"Hey Gem, whose your friend?" Louis asks as he drapes his arm over his girlfriend's, Sam's, shoulders.

"Oh, this is the new lawyer for this town, she just moved here today." Gemma says. "I met her on the ferry this morning." Gemma the smiles and looks at Harry. "Guys I want you all to meet Jackie Taylor."

As soon as Gemma says her name Jackie's eyes fills with tears.

As soon as that name leaves his sister's mouth Harry's eyes widen, he hears the others gasp, and sees the tears filling Jackie's beautiful eyes. Harry walks up to her slowly, never taking his eyes off her.
"You're home." He whispers.

Jackie nods, causing the tears to roll down her cheeks. "I'm home." She whispers back.

Harry is so overwhelmed he doesn't know what to do, so he goes with his gut. He picks Jackie up and walks out the door with her, hugging her to his chest, letting her cry.

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