Chapter 10

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Jackie walks out of the bathroom the next morning to see Harry sliding his gun into his holster, he then clips his police badge onto his belt and grabs his jacket, Jackie couldn't help watch the way he moves sometimes. Everything he does is so fluid, graceful, and when he talks she could just sit and listen to his deep, sultry voice for hours. Overall, Harry just mesmerized her, some things he did reminded her of when they were kids, others made her remember they were adults and the feeling he stirred in her now aren't those she felt as a six year old. The problem is she's been home almost three months, living with Harry the whole time, sleeping in his bed. They have told each other on several occasions how they feel for each other. Jackie does love Harry, more than anything in this world. But does he really feel the same?

Harry walks up to Jackie and kisses her neck. "You ready? I figure we can ride together since we're both going to the same place."

Jackie raises her hand and places on Harry's cheek, she then looks him in the eyes. "I love you." She whispers.

Harry just looks at Jackie for a few seconds. "God babe, I love you too. You're my world." He whispers back as he leans down and kisses her.

When he finally pulls away, Jackie gives him a small smile. "Now I'm ready to go." She says as she reaches for her jacket, Harry takes it, helps her put it on, then walks her to his car. The drive to the station was quiet but comfortable, Harry held her hand the whole time, periodically kissing it then winking at her.

Harry glances over at Jackie wondering what this morning's confession of love was all about. He knew she loved him, she shows him that in many different ways every day. He hopes she doesn't doubt his feelings for her, he tries to tell her often how he feels, and hopes he shows her in just as many ways as she shows him, yeah they haven't gone that next step yet, but he wanted to give her time. Harry just loves Jackie to much to push her to quick, he wanted everything to be perfect. Jackie deserves that much.
Parking in his usual spot, Harry walks around the front of the car to open the door and help Jackie out, he then threads their fingers together and walks toward the building. Once they get to her new office Harry turns to her.
"If you need help with anything, let me know, I'm just down the hall." Harry says as he leans forward and kisses her neck, loving the way she smells. "Don't make any plans for tonight. I have a surprise for you." Harry whispers as he pulls away, both of them unaware of the stares they were receiving.

"Okay." Jackie smiles as she raises one hand so she could wipe some of her lipstick off Harry's cheek. "My plans would have included you anyway, for some reason I don't like you being out of my sight." Jackie says.

"I know that feeling." Harry whispers. "I love you so much." Harry says as he kisses her one last time before going to his own office.

Jackie smiles as she sits down at her desk, the first thing she does is turn on her computer, she then finds the deposition she was going to type up the day before, when that's found she gets to work.

Harry hears a tap on his door and looks up, seeing Amber standing there he waves her in. "What's up?" He asks her.

Amber hand her boss a piece of paper as she sits down in the chair in front of his desk. "My maternity leave papers. This will be my last week until after jr. is born." Amber says.

"Oh, yeah, how are you feeling?" Harry asks her.

"I'm good. Well most days I am anyway, when this monster isn't wanting to use my insides as a punching bag." Amber laughs. "I'm just glad you gave me that desk job when you did."

Harry laughs. "Amber, there was no way in hell I was going to let you run into a building and possible harm. Not only would your husband have killed me but so would my mom, you are her favorite niece."

"Yeah, I do love Aunt Anne." Amber says, she is about to say more when she and Harry both hear a scream from down the hall.

Harry grabs his gun, jumps up and runs out of his office and down the hallway meeting Louis and the other on his way. When they all get to the lobby of the station they find a very drunk Jamison there holding Jackie by her hair. When Harry sees this he goes pale.

"Hey Jami." Niall says softly. "What's wrong?"

Jamison grips Jackie's hair tighter, jerks her closer to him, causing her to gasp. "Tis bitch is trying to keep me locked up." He slurs as he shakes Jackie. "My own wife, is against me." He yells as he wraps his free arm around Jackie's neck, holding the knife close to the side of her neck near  her ear. "I won't allow it, I'll kill the bitch first. I knew I shouldn't have let Nancy live last year, I should have killed her when I had the chance." Jamison yells as his shakey hand continues to hold the knife close to Jackie's neck.

"Jami, bud, you need to calm down and look at who your holding there. That's not Nancy." Niall says in a soft calm voice. "Trust me bud you don't want to hurt her."

Jamison snorts. "I don't know who your trying to con here son, but this is Nancy. She looks the same as she did the day I married her." He yells, causing both Jackie and Harry to frown.

"Jami!" Nancy snaps from the doorway, causing him to spin around, still holding Jackie hostage. "You let her go, unharmed, right now, or I swear to God I'll have Sheriff Styles shoot your ass." Nancy says with tears in her eyes. "I gave my baby up so you couldn't hurt her, and here you are doing just that." She cries.

"What?" Jamison snap, loosening his grip on Jackie enough for her to use her self defense knowledge on him. She grabs the arm around her neck, ducks under it, then flips him through the air. When he lands he's at Harry's feet.

"Well hell, boss, don't piss her off." Louis smirks.

"Right. Cuff his ass." Harry snaps as he walk to Jackie and hugs her.

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