Night 3: Different

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I was once again in the dark, cold place. I won't explain the whole elevator thing, because- well, I didn't pay attention. I was too excited to see her. Her smile, her eyes, her voice. I remember imputing something on the keypad, and music playing, but that's it.

    Now, I was just waiting. Waiting for her to return to me. I wanted to... To... I dunno, wrap my arms around her. I missed her so badly. I wanted to fix everything that has ever happened.

    "I missed you."

    I swiftly turned around, seeing that's she's already changed to her human 'form'. Her pale skin, fiery red pigtails, emerald eyes... I never wanted to look away. I don't think I could. "I missed you, too," I smiled. She took a hold of my hand, and started leading me somewhere. "Where are we going?" Abby looked at me.

    "The other three aren't the same. I'm trying to protect you..." She continued walking, looking over her shoulder every once in a while.

    "What do you mean, aren't the same? What's going on?" She pushed me to a room, and closed the door behind us, sighing.

    "They're becoming more vicious. I... I hardly recognize them, anymore. I'm scared for them, (y/n)... Ballora, Marcy, even Freddy's cousin. I just- I don't want you hurt." Vicious? As in, hurting people, or...?

    "Hey, it's okay. It's okay.." I held her hand reassuringly. "They can't be that bad. In fact, why don't we go see them?" Abby was quiet.

    "I don't think that's a good idea," she warned.

    "Hey, if all else fails, I'll just book it out of here, okay?" She stared at my eyes for a few seconds, eventually nodding half-heartedly. "That's the spirit."


    Abby and I quietly made our way to Circus Gallery, since she knew that was where they all eventually go. She never once let go of me, and I could see the understanding in her actions. There were strange noises here and there. The tapping of our feet, the creaking of the ceiling, and the occasional ruckus from the vents.

    We saw a figure far away, so we braced ourselves. Thoughts were swarming through my mind of what would happen. Abby was tensed, but half calm.

    "(Y/n)? I-is that r-r-really you?"

    I could see the silhouette more clearly. It looked like... Freddy. "Stay away, Freddy. Don't hurt me, or I'll... I'll tear your wires apart," I threatened.

    "Freddy?" He asked. "I'm not Freddy. You're thinking of my rude cousin." The animatronic chuckled. "Ain't that right?"

    "Absotutely-lutely, Fredio! His name is Fred, not Freddy!" It's almost the same thing...

"Fred, do you remember (y/n)?"

"(Y/n)? I believe that name belonged to someone..."

"Well, he/she's right here. (Y/n), you remember, Fred, right?"

    "Wasn't he a bystander or something?" I asked.

    "Um... Hi, (y/n). And... Well, yeah, I guess I was. I-it's not like none of us wanted to help you, honest! We were just... Scared." Scared? But he's Freddy's cousin.

    "Why would he hurt his own family?"

    "He was just a cruel person, (y/n). The rest of us were so happy when you got rid of him, but... We understand, it wasn't your fault that Abby's life was taken," the little hand-puppet said.

    "Wait, hold on.." I squinted my eyes shut, and pinched the bridge of my nose. "So you're telling me the Freddy actually hated everyone in his family?"

    "Well... Yes. He's not really fond of anyone."

    "Not even his best friends?" Abby sighed.

    "The only person he'd even talk to normally was that purple-haired kid. Mainly because he was a rebel." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I shook my head violently.

    "Then... What's up with Ballora and Marcy?" They all looked down.

    "We... We don't know.." What? But I thought they always knew what was happening. This day is getting weirder and weirder. Oh, my head... "Listen, (y/n), if we knew what was happening, we would've already told you. So just... Please don't be mad." Abby squeezed my hand slightly. I nodded.

    "Okay... Okay. I'll call the manager later, and see if he knows what's wrong. Does that sound good?" They both nodded, while the little Bonnie 'clapped'.

    "Just... Stay safe, (y/n)..." Abby pleaded. I smiled, and hugged her.

    "I will. I promise." I checked my phone while still hugging her. 5:42. "Abby, I have to go soon. I'll be back, okay?"

    "... Okay, (y/n)."

    I nearly fainted when I felt lips on my own.

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