Down The Rabbit hole

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"I hope bringing them together will help them, Noctis is naturally shy, and I fear his a anxiety will grow."

"There's something else as well, a favor I would like to ask you"

~ ~ ~

You lazily sat on the bed flipping through channels, it was approximately after lunch time and you were getting hangry. You heard Pumas stomach rumble, looking over, she was already giving you her puppy eyes. "I knoww, I'm hungry too." You sighed and thought of ways to find food, you didn't want any contradictions with the maids, let alone talk to anyone other than your mother. Waiting for your mother to come back was out of the question. Where can I find food? You sat in a thinking position, hand to your chin. "Aha! My treats! Puma search for my yellow bag!" You excitedly exclaimed, while you jumped off the bed. Puma sniffed out the luggage, while you looked under the bed. Suddenly the front door slammed open you hit your head on the bottom of the bed, both you and Puma were startled, Puma hissed violently. You looked over the bed, a white creature jumped frantically, clothes were scattered on the floor, feathers flying in the air lamps and books were knocked off their positions. Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped, What the heck. You finally saw what caused the hindrance, it had long wide pointy ears, a tiny red horn in the middle of its forehead. Black beady eyes, small nose and a fluffy tail. Is it a rabbit? It's the weirdest looking rabbit I've ever seen..Kinda ugly..

After examining the "rabbit" you noticed it had a certain yellow backpack in it's mouth, Hey that looks like my bag

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

After examining the "rabbit" you noticed it had a certain yellow backpack in it's mouth, Hey that looks like my bag...Wait that is my bag! "Puma get my bag!" You shouted.
Puma pounced at the rabbit, but the rabbit dodged and sprinted out the door. Puma hit the wall from the diversion, she shooked her head and darted towards the creature.

You followed, you ran through the large hallways, both Puma and the creature in your sights. You realized that this was the first time stepping out your room, the floor was a dark green marble but was covered with an extensive red thin rug. The walls were also dark marble, large windows that overlooked the city were on your right side, many doors were on your left. You'd have to admire the sight from the windows.

Many people that were walking down the hallway moved to the side while you ran past them you gained many "ooh's" and "ahh's" from them. One by one you shouted "excuse me". You were right behind Puma, then unexpectedly an older boy with glasses came out from a room, he was so enchanted with his book he didn't see you coming. The blood from your face drained, smack, the boy with the glasses fell to the ground. He fell on his butt, you gripped his shoulders, forcing all your weight on him and did a backwards flip, then sprinted back towards Puma. "Sorry" you looked back and waved. This only happened within a few seconds, the boy was befuddled and tired.

After many meaningless running, the creature slammed into a door and ran inside the room, you and Puma followed. Puma jumped and landed on the creature. Squeak, you jumped over Puma and rolled forward, now on all fours you crawled towards the rabbit and forced it's head to the ground. You squashed it's head and rubbed it on the floor and celebrated "Haha, we got em Puma!" With your other hand you high-fived Puma.

While you celebrated, a certain prince was terrified. Before you came into the room the Prince was enjoying a book that his female friend gave to him. Until he had a craving for his favorite dessert from Tenebrae. The white creature appeared, and told Noctis that he'll handle his craving. A few moments later you bursted in like a maniac.

"Umm, exs-use me" The prince whispered, while wheeling towards you. Puma started chewing on the creature while you laughed hysterically, it sounded like a squeaky dogs toy after ever bite. The squeaking was loud enough to over voice the boy. The boy wheeled closer he was almost a Meter away from you, he spoke louder "Uhh, excuse me"
Both you away Puma stopped, you looked over your shoulders and spotted a boy in a wheelchair.

Noctis's breath hitched, and he began to blush. What's wrong with me? It's only a girl, like Luna... Noctis was lost in thought.
You and Puma looked at each other, if Puma had shoulders she shrugged them. You gave the boy a questioned look, "What?"
The prince realizes you were talking to him and frantically spoke, "Oh um uhh.." The prince tried to remember what he was trying to ask you. The white creature only spoke to the boy, "Hey! Can you help me?! I'm getting my head chewed off!"

"It's just...He's my friend"

"This?" You grabbed the rabbit by its neck.

"Uh, yes" The boy looked away.

"He tried to steal"

"What?! He stole? What did he steal?" The boy was surprised, he looked at the creature and slightly shooked his head.

"My treats" You said quietly, you opened your backpack and picked out one of the treats. It was the one from Tenebrae. You felt embarrassed for being petty over some treats.

"Ohh, I'm sorry..It was my fault, I wanted that exact treat from Tenebrae, it's my favorite, but nobody makes them. He must've took them from you to give them to me." The boys voice saddened and his eyes drifted away, you felt you could relate somehow.

You examined the treat, Sigh I should give it to him "Oh, you can have it if you want"

"Huh? No I can't take it, its yours" The prince defended himself.

"Well I kinda feel bad about beating up your friend, so here, it's an apology gift." You held the treat towards the boy, giving him no choice.

"Thanks" The boy took the treat, and looked at it with awe.

You glanced around, this room was more fancier and bigger than your one. This room is so clean..Then memeories of how your room looked flashed between your eyes, as well as your life if you didn't hurry back and cleaned it. " Well I better go" You quickly uttered, while heading out.

"Wait, What is your name?" The boy was disappointed that you were leaving, but before you could he had to know your name.

"Y/n, and this is Puma." You answered casually while you pointed to Puma, Puma meowed.

"Hehe, those are a pretty cool names" The smiled at Puma then looked up at you, a glint of admiration lurking in his eyes.

"Hm, what's yours?" You questioned the boy.

"N-Noctis" Noctis shyly replied, twiddling with his thumbs.

"You have a cool name too, well cya Noctis" You ran out the door, waving goodbye to Noctis.

"Bye Y-Y/n."

Sorry if the bottom half sucked, I haven't been in a positive mood


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Don't Act Like You Don't Know Me... Noctis x reader Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat