Chapter 10 - School

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Percy: I hate this chapter already!

Tony: Saaaameeee! Like what the hell is with the title!

Natasha: I'm not to fond of this either!

Tony: OMG! Natasha just agreed with me!

Percy: It really is the end of the world!


Tony POV

Loki left yesterday thank God

I woke up about 10 (still too god dam early) and JARVIS immediately spoke, 'Sir, Nick Fury would like you to send the boys to school!'

Groaning I got up, "JARVIS, notify the others!"

'Yes, sir.' With that I got up and headed to the kitchen for my daily morning coffee ☕.

Steve had came back from his run and was making breakfast.

"Morning!" I grunted in reply, and made my ☕ coffee.

"Are they up?" I grumbled.

"Not that I know!" Sighing I asked JARVIS the same question and got a different reply, thank God!

'The boy's are only just getting up! Should I tell them Fury's message?'

"No. I'll tell them!" Cap said. I turned towards him and raised an eyebrow.

"No complaints by me!" I said as I continued to drink my coffee which was slowly waking me up.

Clint looked like he was about to say something but small mumbled and shuffles stopped him and the two boys came into the kitchen.

They looked extremely tired and their hair was extremely messy, more than normal anyway.

"Are you alright?" Steve asked the two boys who just stumbled over to the table and sat down, waiting for breakfast.

"Yeah. Just nightmares." Scott answered as Percy nodded in agreement and they both yawned.

"Well, breakfast has just finished so you came in just at the right time!" Steve smiled and served the boys food.

Sitting down Steve coughed to get the hungry boys attention, "Fury, our boss, what's you two to go to school..." Scott chocked on his food and Percy just paused, mid-eating.

"...way to cut straight to the point, cap..." I mumbled and he glared at me making me raise my hands in surrender.

"Wait?! Your being serious! We're going School?" Scott squeaked, making me smirk at his reaction. I mean who would want to go school? School's boring!!!!

"Yeah. You'll be going to a school called-" Steve got interrupted Steve with a call from Fury.

"Captain?" Fury called through and Steve instantly sat up straight.

"Yes, sir?" Captain replied, such a soldier!

"Change of plans! The boys aren't going to school!" Both the boys cheered, "I will leave it for you and the Avengers to teach them what they need to know, since Scott is blind and Percy is mute, now Get To Work!"

Fury then cut the connection and there was silence as no one know what to say until Bruce came in and said, "What did I miss?"

"We have to teach the kids as they can't go to school because Scott's blind and Percy's mute!" I say while waving my arms around, dramatically.

Bruce rolled his eyes at me and Steve hit the back of my head making me turn to him and glared, he just gestured to the boys who were also glaring at me.

"Well we need to split 'lesson' time and we need to decide who's teaching them what! And who's going to tell Nat and Clint?" Bruce asked.


Scott POV

School or being taught by the Avengers?! I don't know which ones worse! I just sat there after breakfast, shocked 😲!

We were all waiting for Nat and Clint to come back from a mission they had gotten yesterday. Soon the elevator pinged signaling the arrival of the two assassins.

I heard them walk into the kitchen and heard them sit at the table and wait.

"What do you want us here for, Cap?" Clint asked as he took of his bow and quiver, placing it on the floor.

"Fury gave us a task." Steve said and sighed, "He's asked us to teach Percy and Scott as they can't be sent to school because Scott's blind and Percy's mute."

"Okay... I'm thinking it's also the fact that Percy and Scott are also sons of Loki?" Natasha suggested as she leaned forward, "so who's going to teach them what?"

"I was thinking, since Scott and Percy both are sons of Loki perhaps we should teach them how to fight with and without their magic?" Bruce suggested.

I turned to my brother to 'see' him still sitting there, watching the convosation that was happening, like a table tennis match. I rolled my eyes at him and looked away but everyone went silent so I couldn't see anymore.

"I'm guessing me and Tony are going to teach them science etc. ?" Bruce asked and I saw Steve nod.

"I'll teach them hand to hand combat without magic with Clint!" Natasha stated.

"And I'll teach them endurance, fighting with weapons and surviving. Then that leaves Thor and Loki to teach them about their magic." Steve summed up as the rest agreed.

Then we just sat there in silence, I think they forgot me and brother are still sitting here.

"Umm..." Everyone jumped and turned towards me, "When will this 'teaching' start?" I asked and made quotation marks to empathise the word teaching.

"Thursday. So you two can get sleep in before the lessons." Steve comfrimed and I nodded.


Natasha: That was a boring and awkward chapter!

Percy: Yes! Yes it was!

TheStrangerIAm: *raises hands in surrender* I couldn't think of anything else! I'm sorry!

Loki: foolish mortal! Anyway, see ya soon, MORTALS!

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