Chapter 7 - Loki's Coming Back?!

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TheStrangerIAm: Sorry... I knew I should have updated but I've got exams and everything is stressful! ;-; I feel like I should update because I suddenly had a spark to write this story 😉😎 !!!!

Scott: Its alright! We forgive you... we know that it's been hard for you personally too! 😋

Loki: I don't know why it suddenly became emotionally but what happens next?!

Steve: I don't know why don't we find out!!!

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Percy POV

I was worried about my brother so as soon as Steve and Bruce came into the kitchen/dining room, I ran up to them and signed, 'How is he?'

Doctor Banner answered back, 'He's resting and I've treated his back.' I nodded and sighed in relief. Then Bruce continued, 'We have also put up an arrest for Gabe Ugliano...'

I instantly froze and looked up when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I saw that it was Tony and he seemed to try and get me to relax which strangely work a bit.

Only to jump when Thor boomed and shot out of his seat, "I remembered the message from all-father; 'Loki will be able to see his sons in one Midguardian week but only for 1 day a week! Starting on Monday next week!'"

I just stood there in shock 😲 but quickly snapped out of it, only to realise the Avengers were shocked, nervous and angry 😡 about my dad coming here. I just stood there, waiting for them to start shouting.

And that's exactly what happened, Clint and Tony were angry and trying to get Thor to keep the 'trouble-maker' in Asgard. Thor wouldn't listen and Natasha and Steve were agreeing while Bruce decided to stay away from the argument.

I tried to cover my ears, blocking out all the bad comments about my dad. Soon everything was over powered by a shout, "SHUT UP!!!" Everyone went quiet and turn to the source of the voice.

Scott stood there, panting, while looking annoyed but he took deep breaths and seemed to calm down. "Thank you..." He whispered, rubbing his temples trying to relieve some of the stress.

"Are you alright?" Bruce asked him, kneeling next him and when he nodded, Bruce turned to me and seemed ask the same question and I just nodded. He smiled in relief.

Standing up, he looked at the rest of his 'team', "Guys, be careful of what you say!" With that he took my hand and Scott's, walking out. Smiling, I squeezed his hand and I heard Scott giggle.

He then led us to our rooms and said, "What do you guys want to do?"

"Swim!" Scott cheered and I bounced on my heels while clapping and nodding in agreement.

"You guys sure?" We both nodded and he shrugged and said, "Okay!"

"Let's get your swim suits!" Me and Scott smiled as Bruce got us ready to swim.

Running/racing down the halls with Bruce laughing behind us, we finally made it to the pool, with Scott winning.

Then we both dolphin dived in the pool and swam to the other side.


Steve POV

I felt bad for the boys so I asked JARVIS where they were and he replied, "They are in the pool, sir!"

Making my way to the pool, I heard someone behind me. Looking back I saw Natasha and Thor walking behind me towards the elevator. We all packed in and made our way down a couple of floors until we reached the pool level and spilled out.

Looking around, I saw Bruce reading on one of the benches near the pool and the two siblings in the pool, messing around and enjoying themselves. Smiling I went up to Bruce and sat next to him and the other two followed suit.

Bruce looked up quickly but looked back down at his book as quickly as he looked up. "Have you stopped arguing?" He asked in a dry voice, clearly annoyed.

"Clint and Tony are still not happy with the deal but we came to say sorry to the boys!" I gestured to myself and the other two while talking and all Bruce did was nod.

"Go on, then! I'm not stopping you!" Was all he said as he continued reading the book he held in his hands.

Sighing, I got up and walked to the edge of the pool and kneeled down on the side. The boys swam up to me and waited. "I'm sorry-" Only to get splashed in the face by Percy, "I deserve that!" Only to get continuously slashed. "I'm did not deserve that!" I said as I was now soaked, only to get giggles in reply and I stood up and watched as they continued to play.

Sitting back on the bench, the others moving away so they didn't get wet, I saw the others smirking and trying to conceal their laughter.

Crossing my arms, "ha ha! Very funny!" I said sarcastically. This only made them laugh even more but this time I cracked a smile and started to laugh myself.

* A * HOUR * LATER *

We finally got the two hyper boys out of the pool and got them to dry off and get dressed. We all made our way to the kitchen to get some dinner.

I saw that Tony and Clint were still in a mood but I just rolled my eyes and ignored them, getting dinner ready.

"Any requests?" I asked and saw Scott and Percy share a look.

I frowned, "Blue Pancakes!" Was all Scott said and I nodded and frowned.

"Okay..." I said slowly but got the ingredients for blue pancakes.

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Percy: A chapter! FINALLY!!! WE DID IT!!!

Scott: Thank You Author!

Tony: Can I have my arc reactor back?

TheStrangerIAm: No, I need it!

*Author runs away cackling*

Steve: That was wierd!

Loki: Anyway! Thank you for wasting your time on this chapter! Hope you liked it though!

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