"There she is!"

She rounded the corner and caught sight of the girls seated around the island with Jason standing before them. He was dressed formally in gray slacks and a fitted navy button-up. His dirty blond hair had been combed back, away from its usual shaggy look. She was stunned by his appearance. It screamed Ivy League, and if she hadn't known better, she would've never guessed he had been anything else than polished. Not a single thing about him hinted at his former party-boy ways. "Jason?"

"I'm glad you could make it." He brought her in for an awkward hug. It was a hug that he would've given to any of his little sister's friends, not a girl he used to undress. "Heard about the incident. It's good that you are healing up."

"Mhm," She grimaced, taking a seat between Aria and Spencer.

It stung to have him act so formal towards her. There had been so much between them, it was painful for Jason to treat them as any less. Of course, she didn't expect a passionate kiss as soon as she walked in. But some sort of signal, some sort of charismatic smile to let her know that he'd never forgotten about them was all she wanted.

"Anyways, I just was thanking you girls for the phenomenal work you put into this memorial. My family and I are more than grateful." He looked down to the papers spread before him, picking up a glossy photograph of his sister. "Is this the picture we're using?"

"Yes," Emily confirmed. "It's everyone's favorite."

"It's a good one. I would've picked this one, too." He swallowed hard as he stared sadly at Alison's face. "It's been a year already. I look at this picture, and suddenly it's oh-nine, again. You, six girls, are huddled away in her bedroom down the hall, giggling at whatever gossip you'd heard that day."

If she hadn't been staring, she never would've seen him glance up at her. It was quick, no longer than half a second. But that's all it took. He did remember and that gave Jo a spurt of arrogance. Maybe it wasn't too late for them. Maybe she could convince him to come back to her, that breaking things off was a mistake.

"That was a long time ago." He shook his head like he was ridding the memories from it. "I'd like it if each of you spoke. As her best friends, I think there's no one more important to hear from."

"Okay," Jo approved, looking to each of the girls around the island. "It's a good way to find closure with this memorial. Like the last words, we never got."

"Closure," repeated Jason. "The only way we're going to get closure is by finding the person that murdered my sister."

The girls gave one another an uncomfortable look. It wasn't easy to talk about Ali's murder, especially with Toby Cavanaugh on the run.

"By the way, Jenna Marshall asked if she could speak at the ceremony. I'm adding her to the list of speakers."

Jo's eyes bugged. "No shit? She asked you that? You've got to be kidding."

Aria kicked her foot under the table, muttering something about profanity. Jason raised an eyebrow at her. "Do you have a problem with that?"

Hanna chimed in, backtracking for Jo. "No, we just didn't think Jenna and Ali were... close."

Jason shrugged as he compiled all his belongings. "I didn't either but if anything, Alison was popular. She probably had a whole closet of friends no one knew about. Anyways, I have to speak with Detective Wilden and figure out why the hell he hasn't located Toby yet." He glanced at the fresh, pink scar on Jo's forehead. It was hard to tell what he was thinking as he saw it. Was it anger? Indifference? Blatant curiosity like everyone else? Jo wasn't quite positive. "I'll catch you, girls, later."

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