Soothing Sundays (n) - The one day of the week that Liz gets to wear whatever she likes and will not be judged by her amazing friends.

They even wrote a definition. I know, I have some strange friends.

"I like big butts and I cannot lie...” I jumped at the sound of my ring tone, and then started laughing. Jessica decided this to be her ring tone... out of all the songs in the world. She chose this one. Smiling to myself I picked up the phone.


"Hey girl. Open up your door."

"Open it yourself. You practically live here."

"It's locked dumba*s." I sigh and jump up from my bed. I hung up the phone and laid it on the window sill before heading to my front door.

I unlocked the door, and before I could open it Jessica barged in with the rest of the crew.

"Ugh, seriously. Out of all clothes, sweats."

"Soothing Sundays, noun, the one day of the we-"

"Yeah yeah. Whatever." She smiled at me then looked towards everyone else. We silently stood there like that before Anna spoke up.

"We have something for you." She said with an evil tone.

"Whaaaaat?" I asked. She just stood there, smiling at me evilly.

"God, let’s just go to your room and we'll show you & Anna stop staring at Liz that way it's creepy." Sean whined. I simply nodded and made my way up to my room, everyone following behind me.

As soon as we were in, I was tackled by Nick.

"DO IT." He screamed. I started freaking out and throwing punches and kicking but nothing got Nick to get off of me. Soon I felt my sweats being taken off and a pair of skinny jeans being slid on. My eyes opened up wide and looked down to see who was doing the change. Kendall smiled creepily at me while she pulled a pair of unfamiliar jeans on me.

"You know," Nick whispered. “Pink really isn’t your color." My eyes wandered to his, and I noticed that he was staring at underwear.

"NICK!!" He looked up at me and smiled.

"I'm joking." I swear if he didn't pin down my arms I would've punched him in his face.

"Turn." Kendall said. I soon felt Nick turning me over and sighed. Admitting my defeat I helped turn myself over.

"Damn Liz. You butt looks good."

"OH MY GOD, NICK." I shouted.

"Chill Chill. I'm joking. But it does look good. Just so you know." Kendall sighed.

"Turn." Nick turned me over again.

"Okay Nick. You can get off her now."

"Thank God." I mumbled.

"I heard that." Nick said.

"Hey, it's not my fault you’re a fat as* alright." He gasped, a hand flying to his mouth the other pulling up his shirt as he checked himself out in the mirror.

"Am not. Look at this six pack."

"Of fat rolls." I said, making everyone but Nick laugh. He dropped his shirt and slumped his shoulders.

"I'm not fat." He whispered.

"Of course you’re not Nickel Pickle." I said pinching his cheeks.

"Don't call me that." I laughed at his face then let go.

"Ugh. God I wish I had your butt." Kendall said.

"I can't believe you were hiding that great as* behind those ugly sweats" Sean said.

Again, I sighed, looking myself over in the mirror. I had to admit. I did have a very nice butt.

"I decided to change the outfit. Your wearing those jeans tomorrow got it?" I nodded my head.

"Got it."

"Okay. So we all decided all the girls are staying the night. Boys. You can leave now." Sean and Nick sighed as they left the room.

"Bye, Liz."

"Bye guys." They smiled as I waved goodbye. Once they left Kendall sat on my bed.

"Hey, where's Lauren?"

"She couldn't make it." Anna answered. Oh okay.

"Well I'm going to sleep guys." Jessica said.

"Yeah me too" Kendall joined.

"Are you going to sleep too?" Anna asked.

"Guess so." She nodded her head.

"Night guys" I whispered turning off the lights.

"Night Liz."

Billion Dollar Boys discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now