The Phone Call - 8

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"Samara, are you okay?" I heard Dante's voice from a distance and a wet substance on my forehead. I started to open my eyes and saw Dante putting a wet cloth on my head.


"Hey, how you feeling?"

"I'm okay, I guess," I answered, trying to sit up, but Dante wouldn't let me. (Jerk! XD lol)

"You need to rest, Samara. Don't try to get up."

"What happened? Are the demons gone?" Dante looked down, his face in utter confusion.

"Samara, let me ask you something......What the hell is wrong with you? What were you even thinking?" I had a feeling this was gonna come up, but I had to help him otherwise we both would have ended up dead. But he wasn't gonna buy it.

"I honestly don't know what came over me, Dante. I'm truely sorry," I said. 'Cause to be honest with myself, I really didn't know what I was thinking.

"Just don't do that again, okay? You had me worried," He told me. Then he leaned in, kissed my forehead and left. I laid still on the couch, closed my eyes and heaved a heavy sigh. I take my right hand and lift it to my head above the wet cloth. I felt a bandage wrapped around my head, then I remembered what happened before I blacked out.


Dante was still slashing and shooting away at the demons that surrounded him, while I did the same for me. Even with the help of Griffon and Leviathan from the air, there was still too many demons around us. We needed help from Lady, Nero, Vergil and Trish, but they were too busy on their own missions to get in touch with them. I continued to shoot away at the demons surrounding me when I heard a deep growling noise from behind me. I went to turn around and kill the demon behind me, but the next thing I knew, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and collapsed on the ground, hearing Dante's voice slowly fade away into the blackness that clouded my mind...

~*Dante's P.O.V*~

"Samara!" I felt my demon powers over take me and the next thing I knew, I was standing next to her, fully triggered. A huge gap was proof of the trail I left between where I was standing before and where I was standing now. Seeing my full anger and power, the demons around us began to retreat, without me killing as many as possible before then. Once they were all gone and had retreated back to where they came from, Griffon and Leviathan had returned to where they came from as well. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down and detriggered to my human state, putting my weapons away in the process. I kneeled down next to Samara and checked her pulse. I sighed in relief when I felt her heart beat and smiled. Thank god, she was still alive. I slowly and cautiously picked her up in my arms and carried her inside the shop.
Once inside, I carefully laid her onto one of my couches and went into my bathroom to grab the first aid kit, taking out the bandages and setting them onto the table next to her. I slowly lift up her head and checked for any wounds. She had a small scratch on her forehead from when she fell to the ground and a small bump on the back of her head from the hit she took. I took a gauze and some rubbing alcohol and cleaned the scratch, put stitching tape over it, then rapped her head with the ace bandage I took out. I then packed the first aid kit back up and put it in the bathroom cabinet, then took a washcloth, damped it in cold water and walked back over to Samara, putting the damped cloth on her forehead to prevent any fever from starting up. As soon as I put the cloth on her head, she began to wake up and I smiled in relief...

~*End Flashback*~


~*Dante's P.O.V*~

I went upstairs to my bedroom and collapsed onto my bed after making sure Samara was okay once she woke up. She was stupid for getting out of the car and helping me. Yes, I knew I needed the help, but I didn't want her to help for this exact reason! Now she's been hurt and I couldn't prevent it! I groan and huffed in frustration just from that very thought. Now I even have a bigger job to do other than demon hunting: making sure Samara stays out of harm's way...

~*Samara's P.O.V*~

A few hours had past as I ended up falling asleep when Dante went upstairs. I felt bad that I had betrayed him and helped him out when he told me not to. I woke back up from the sound of Dante's footsteps coming down the stairs. They sounded heavy and lazy, making me think the he too had just woken up. I open my eyes to look over at him. He stepped out from the doorway and made an immediate turn towards his fridge and grabbed a can of Budweiser, walked back to his desk and sat down. I tried lifting my head for better comfort, but it still felt too heavy to move so I continued to lay still.
After a few minutes of silence, I finally spoke.

"Dante...are you mad at me?" I looked over at him to see that he had stopped midway of drinking his beer and was staring dead at me. He heaved a sigh and set his beer can down on his desk. He then got up and walked over to me and set down on the table next to me.

"Samara...I'm not mad that you disobeyed my orders...but at the same time I am a little upset with you. You put yourself in the middle of danger and got hurt in the process. I thought you got stabbed in the back of you head! I got so angry that I lost control of myself because I thought you were DEAD!" I looked away from Dante. I felt ashamed that I made him feel this way. I didn't mean to cause him trouble. I kept my eyes averted from his, but he took his hand and forced me to look in his direction.

"But I'm glad that you're okay and that you're still alive. But, please promise me that you won't disobey me again. Please?" I smiled and nodded, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"I promise I'll never go against your orders." He leaned in to give me a gentle hug, when it was interrupted by the office phone ringing. Dante groaned in displeasment and got up, walked over to his desk and answered the phone.

"Devil May Cry...I'm sorry, who is this?...oh...yeah, she is. But she's not up to being on the phone at the moment. Can I leave a message for her?" He then leans over and grabs a pen and piece of paper, then begins writing stuff down.

"Uh-huh...okay...yeah...alright, I'll let her know that you called. Okay, take care. Goodbye." He then hangs the phone on the receiver, then slowly looks up at me with mistrust and slight anger in his eyes. Fear began to build up inside me and I began to hyperventilate. He grabs the paper he wrote on and walks over to me, then stops in front of the table and sets the paper down. I take a quick glance at the name that was written on it. That's when I began to really panic.

"Samara...any idea who this Veronica Cassaway could be?"

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