Chapter 2

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Clarke waited outside in her newest dress. The one she didn't want to wear. The scarlet red one. It's not she didn't like the dress, it's that she didn't want to wear it for Bellamy.

Truthfully, she was excited to see Octavia. They got along fine and even gained a friendship. It would be nice to see her after all this time.
"You look beautiful." Her father whispered.
"Thank you." She responded without looking his direction.
"I'm sure Bellamy will like it." Her mother, Abby, the queen, added.
"Oh, I don't doubt that." Clarke painfully looks at her cleavage. Usually, her dresses have a fair amount but she felt exposed in this dress. And the thought of Bellamy seeing her like this made her stomach turn. Nevertheless, she tried to ignore it.

A carriage pulled up shortly after pulled by brown horses. Clarke straightened her back and waited for the siblings to appear.

Octavia came out first. As soon as she saw Clarke, she ran up and hugged her.
"Clarke! It's so good to see you!" She said. Clarke laughed and returned the hug.
"You too." She said. They pulled away and watched Bellamy step out to meet them. Clarke was shocked at his appearance. She knew he was attractive but she hasn't seen him in five years. He went from having a boyish charm to being a handsome man. He was more built then she remembered and his hair wasn't slicked back, giving him his natural curly black hair. Bellamy first saw the King, who he shook hands with immediately.
"It's nice to see you again, my king." Bellamy smiled.
"It's nice to see your family too. Here's my wife, my Queen." He directed Bellamy's attention to Abby. She held out her hand, which he kissed with a bow out of respect. "And uh, here's my daughter, Princess Clarke." Jake, the king, motioned to the dumbstruck blonde, trying to keep her heart beat steady. No one noticed her nerves through her almost glared. Bellamy bowed respectfully to her, sat up, and waited only a moment for Clarke to place a hand over her chest and bow back.
"It's... a pleasure seeing you after so many years." He bit his tounge.
"No need to be polite." She calls him out. "We never did get along."
"At least I'm trying." He murmurs, angrily. She glared.
"I'm just trying to be blunt."
"So was I-"
"Ok! How about I show Bellamy around and Clarke can show Octavia around?" The king broke up the potential fight. They kept their eyes on each other till they were out of each others sights.


Clarke took Octavia where she knew her father wouldn't think to show Bellamy. The stables. Octavia loved horses.
"What's this one named?" She ran to a brown one.
"Helios." A dark skinned man came up smiling. Octavia looked at him and almost froze. "Hi. I'm Lincoln." He greeted.
"I'm Octavia." They smiled at eachother. Clarke smiled to herself. Someone's got a crush on one of our best knight's... and I don't think that someone's brother will be to thrilled about it. She thought, amused at the thought of Bellamy's reaction.
"You must be the new arrivals. The Princess of Mecca."
"They're staying with us for a while." Clarke pipes up. "But just to warn you, her brother is very protective." She teased, making Lincoln look emberessed.
"Good thing you'll keep him busy." Octavia smirked, making Clarke's smile disapear and a blush appear.
"We ready to go?" Clarke changed the subject.
"Wait, you wernt planning on riding were you?" Lincoln asked.
"Uh, yeah, we were just about to go."
"Can't, your father's  orders."
"Why not?" Clarke asked.
"There have been reports of bandets. Nothing serious but... the king wants people to keep away from the woods unless with armed guards."
"Well then you better saddle Helios quickly because we're going." Clarke decided. Lincoln thought for a moment.
"I'll be ready soon." He promises.


They all three rode together. Clarke rode ahead of Octavia and Lincoln for a few reasons. One, she knew Octavia didn't really get chances to go and talk to people. Two, obviously they liked eachother. Three, she didn't want to be around their suffocating flirting. And four, they made her think about Bellamy. Instead, she tried to look around her. In the woods. There were beautiful flowers, overhanging tree branches that shielded them from the sun, and the sound of birds chirping happily.

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